I've seen it mentioned couple of times on Mattermost, last time a year ago. The only problem I have with the idea is that I think it will be very popular (I know I'd immediately create separate authorities for each application I use), which would result in sudden increase of memory consumption, so I'd prefer we do it only after some aggressive optimizations around accounts that I've described in one of articles. Since introduction of state provider moved those optimizations from realm of "if" to "when" (with strong inclination for "soon"), I'm much more optimistic on the possibility to implement custom authorities in not too distant future. The use cases are already present - treat each application as a separate contract and only give them authority to perform actions that you want them to have. Apps would also most likely move away from attaching themselves to one of main authorities in favour of creating separate authorities for themselves. Now we have another reason - reduce depth of redirection to one. We can't do that on existing authorities, but we can on new.
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