It can happen over here too but a lot of infrastructure projects are already on a halt due to backlash from Environmentalists so it will take time for India to fully setup whats required for Electric vehicles .
If at all it succeeds , I think the Indian manufacturers will have an upper hand because of the subsidies being given to them by various state governments.
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The environmentalist strike again. It's common here in California since they are so stubborn and reject any housing/water solutions.
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Yeah but in some cases ( 2 out of 10 ) the environmentalists are right . Here the government is trying to expand roads in Himalayan mountain region but to be honest it is one of the fragile ecosystem in our country and it is not feasible but the government isn't dropping the project.
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Profits over what's right in the eyes of the government. I am not surprised as everyone has different views. I would think adding infrastructure in the cities to be more important. Once that takes off, people will want roads and it expands slowly.
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Yeah I totally support infrastructure in the city but in fragile Himalayas we should be very careful because it is our national heritage and once damaged it will take decades to recover.
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