Good evening to everyone , I hope you all are doing great . I hadn't been that active lately on Hive , I apologize for that .
Today I have something interesting to share with you all , we all know engagement has been on raise here on LeoFinance and many users including @taskmaster4450le have been promoting engagement .
Today let us see some stats related to Posts and Comment rewards .
April month data
Note: Well I could have taken any data for this matter but I took the author rewards earned during the month of April for calculating this .
Number of comments which earned author rewards - 22907
Number of posts which earned author rewards - 12144
Number of unique users who earned "Post" author rewards - 1670
Number of unique users who earned "Comment" author rewards - 1758
Total LEO earned through "Post" author rewards - 43311.344 LEO
Total LEO earned through "Comment" author rewards - 3761.657 LEO

Average post earnings = 3.566 LEO
Average comment earnings = 0.164 LEO
Now don't jump into a conclusion that posts are better than comments , just hang on till you read the complete post .
Date-wise LEO "Post" author rewards
Date-wise LEO "Comment" author rewards
Which is better ? Posting or Commenting with respect to earning LEO ?
Well we can view this from various angles , although the posts average and comment average is already posted , these are the averages for only those posts and comments which got the author rewards , what about those posts and comments which didn't receive any rewards ?
Total posts made during the period March 25th - April 24th ( because then only the author rewards will match to April 1st to April 30th ) = 13814 posts
Total comments made during the period March 25th - April 24th = 70915 comments
How many posts got author rewards ?
This means that 9 out of 10 posts got author rewards .
How many comments got author rewards ?
Now let's calculate average by taking all posts and comments made and not just those which got author rewards .
What does this mean ?
This means that if you author a post , you will get 3.135 LEO on an average .
If you post a comment , you will get 0.053 LEO per comment on an average .
In other words , you may post 3 comments and they might not get upvoted at all and then you might get a 1 LEO upvote but in the long run each of your comment is worth 0.053 LEO . Each and every one of them .
So looking at average and overall rewards posting is better ? No hang on .
Although the rewards as well as average earnings is bigger for posting you are forgetting one important thing , the effort and time .
The effort and time that we put into posts and comments are totally different .
Posting requires lot of research , going through many topics before you decide to make a particular posts , challenges like writers block etc.
Commenting requires effort too but not as much as posting , you read the post and you comment on it , maybe sometimes you comment two - three times on the same post because the author replies to you . So read once and reply many times .
I asked a few users on @leomarkettalk thread , how much time on an average they take to post and how much time on an average they take to comment . The answer was very dispersed , some said 1-2 hours and some said 6-7 hours from idea generation to clicking submit button, I took note of all response and calculated the average .
This is the average I got , this is for very few people so the average might change when we consider all users .
Average time for posts = 150 minutes ( 2 and half hours )
Average time for comments = 2.5 minutes .
Now I calculated how many minutes has been spent on all *posts and also how many minutes has been spent on all comments and calculated the LEO earning per minute effort put .
In other words , what is the LEO earning rate for 1 minute of effort put into creating posts and comments ?
For posts - for 1 minute of efforts you will earn 0.020 LEO .
For comments - for 1 minute of efforts you will earn 0.021 LEO .
That's right , if you calculate minute wise efforts vs rewards , you will earn more from comments than posts on LeoFinance as of now .
If you want to know the average for 200 minutes and 2 minutes comments ? Let me know in the comments , I will calculate for that . Also if you want to know how much you earned for comments and how much you earned for posts , let me know in the comment section I will get it for you .
Also let me know if you would like to know these stats for any other tribe . I will post it some other day . This took a lot of time , I will appreciate reblogs :) Thank you .
I hope you found this post interesting :) Take care , will be back with more stats soon .
Regards ,
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is a very interesting conclusion, and one I would not have expected. Thank you for putting in the work to calculate it. I'm new to LeoFinance, so this has been very helpful for a newbie to understand the workings.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's good to hear @kaywoods :)
Feel free to check out @leomarkettalk posts , we have daily conversation over there . If you have any questions regarding anything you can ask me .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I love this sort of analysis!
Especially when the rewards come out.... exactly the same!
I must say I quite like rewarding decent comments, probably more than voting on posts!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hehe thanks @revise.leo .
Me too , that's why I started the Engagement project for tribes .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
without a doubt one of the best in the community providing statistics that collectively contributes. Good job buddy
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
yeah I was surprise to know that too
Thanks a lot @clicmaster for the kind words , really appreciate it .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very interesting stats. Thanks for putting this together. I was just thinking the other day that it felt like people were not posting as much as they had been in the past. At lest this week anyway. Maybe they were spending more time commenting!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I was also thinking the same I don't see a lot of activities these days
Maybe I am just not following the right people!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
After POB came , some people from Leo seem to have shifted to POB actually .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Totally agree . I don't think we are seeing less number posts though , would be interesting to see that stat too , will try to get them soon :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I would say that is the engagement league effect. More and more people are participating so more and more people are concentrating on comments than posts.
I might be wrong 😑
You are probably right.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I agree with you on this one , the thing is , not everyone can author quality posts but everyone can comment .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
that's given that post earn more because it takes time and efforts to write a good post
True but if you take per minute data , comments are more rewarding actually .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
My posts take a long time to make because I have to make memes for them and also the text needs to flow with the memes. That's why comments are, for me at least, a much more effective way of earning Leo
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That’s true
I’m you end up spending more time to find the perfect picture, gif or meme you want to use in the post. On the other hand the comment is just text most of the time.
You got that right harpreet . Matching image is one of the hardest.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah I can relate to that .
Most of the time , much time is lost for me in cleaning the data and getting the charts and then I need to explain it ? Arg lol .
But it is rewarding that's for sure .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Excellent job, as always dude!
I think a nice takeaway from this is that you can add a lot of value and earn rewards in multiple ways here in this community.
Some people will prefer to post more, others will prefer to comment and some can also do a mix of those things. All of the above will still get you rewards and contribute to the development of the coomunity.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks @tfranzini :)
I couldn't have said better . It is important to remember that posting is important too though . It helps in building followers .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Nice, I wouldn't have thought that on average, considering the time spent on each, comments are more rewarding.
They are also more rewarding from another point of view. Through them we benefit of the network effect. And another benefit is awareness: you simply signal others who don't know you on the platform that you are around as well. Much easier than to stumble upon one of your posts, unless you are a well known author already.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
True , not many people realize this . Network effect benefits the author in long run .To be honest , that's how I started to get some good upvotes and visibility too .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Kind of surprising to see that minute for minute commenting rewards the same as posting, on average, if you spend 2.5 hrs authoring a post. that figure of 150 minutes for posts, is that for 1 post?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Not the same, more even! As he mentioned: sample size is rather small so it's a guesstimate I'd say. If you're able to write quality posts in a rather short time frame that could be a good way to earn. Would be interesting to see how much posts made in say 1/2 hour get rewarded vs 1 hour, 1.5 hour etc..
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well you are right but the comments duration also I have taken liberally actually .
I usually type my comments in less than 30 second and I take 1 minute or 1 and half to read a post on average and I usually browse through the whole comment section to see if anyone else didn't understand that post and reply to them too. So my comment earnings per minute is actually more .
Well just ask away :p I will get it get it for you -
Here are the answers but please note that this is only for the month of April .
If you take 30 minutes - You will earn 0.105 LEO per minute of effort .
Just divide by 2 for 30 minutes each . Meaning if you take 1 hour to post - you will earn 0.105/2 = 0.052 LEO per minute of effort .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ahh yes, calculated based of the general average! Sorry, what I meant is to first categorize posts on "time spent creating the post" and then calculate the average for each category after that. Which is... quite a big task to do, even for you ;-)
That that still leaves some variables (like length, effort, skill) out of the equation but you do get a better estimate how much you can expect if you put x amount of time into making a post.
Oh yes , I agree with you completely . What I posted in the last section of the post was just an estimate , it depends on various other stuff as you mentioned .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
YEs @agr8buzz , I have taken 150 minutes per post but you can ask me for whatever amount of minutes , I will calculate based on April month rewards and get you your answer .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for taking the time to put together all this information, much appreciated. It is true that comments are where a newbie should start earning LEO until they make a name for themselves. That's the remedy that worked for me back in my early days on STEEM/HIVE.
Have a good one!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
My pleasure @lordneroo :)
I completely agree with you on this one .
Yeah it helps to build the network and more importantly it is the best way to learn about Hive and communities.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is interesting.
For comment did you also Calcutta’s time you have to spend to read the post because you need to reach before making comment.
I like the comments because I can always provide opinion in any topic that I read but it’s difficult to think of a topic and writing about it. It’s just a preference and personal choice.
Yes harpreet , I have included the "preparation time" for both posts and comments and arrived at the answer .
Well actually I like commenting too and same like you I prefer it :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for the calculation I starting commenting here I guess!
Also adding a usefull comment is often much easier than writing!
Writing gives you more followers so long term it is probably smartest to do both
No worries @gogreenbuddy :) My pleasure .
Can't agree more , that should be the strategy .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's totally understandable that commenting is lower but make no mistake about it it normally takes much less effort to read a topic and write a good quality comment back to it. Creating the article and thinking about what to write and structure it out can take a hour + while a comment about 5-10 minutes depending on the length.
Very good way to make some extra LEO and Hive by commenting. Some days you might not feel like writing a full blown article so commenting and curating earn you a good deal for the day.
Agree with you @bitcoinflood . Writers block is only for authoring posts and not comments I guess :)
You can read the posts and comment on it what you feel . For me commenting has become another way of earning LEO , I take it very seriously nowadays .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Another interesting and surprising post. It makes me feel better about commenting. I'd never really considered the time factor before. 😊
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's great to hear :)
Amount of effort put and time taken is usually not considered by us , I hope users who see this post comment more because that is one of the best ways to earn LEO here on LeoFinance :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Interesting analysis.
One piece of constructive feedback I would offer: Report the median in addition to or instead of the average.
Median is a far better measure of central tendency -- maybe I will do a post in the near future on why (imho) the median is always better than the mean.
Hey @trostparadox , thanks a lot for the feedback , I will definitely keep that in mind when making the next post .
I always tell myself to add median , mode and standard deviation in all posts but I forget it and end up with only average .
"always" ? Okay that's interesting , would love to see the post.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Congratulations @amr008! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!
Commenting is worth money, these stats prove it out. That is what we were harping upon all along.
Yet people do not seem to understand that. Thanks for putting this together. In a couple days I will put together a follow up to that adding to it.
A great start though.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Agree .
Sure , let me know if you need more data or any specific data you were looking for which I missed here , I will get it .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
tokens.I bet this would look very different if it was impossible to auto vote.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah you are right but compared to hive , LeoFinance doesn't have that much autovoting . All the whales manually curate which helps in rewarding good content .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
So the posts comes out while I was busy. Its some nice data and it shows that commenting can be just as effective in earning LEO since you spend less time.
Let's keep the engagement going and hopefully we get a few more people in the 100 comments a week club.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lol yeah I am sorry about that.
Yeah that's the aim , let's see how it goes . I think task will post a follow up on this one which should help .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Excellent read! I try to comment frequently but only post occasionally, keeping it rather short when I do. I guess it's my way of trying to optimise for quality, whilst not having to spend too much time on writing and developing narratives :).
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Me too , I try to post once every 2 days but it takes a lot of time to get all the data and clean it and make the post . I feel comfortable in commenting and it is as rewarding as posting too .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Quite interesting stats for leofinance.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks @alokkumar121 . Glad you found them interesting :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very well done. I'm curious to see how the results stack up when we compare the medians instead. I think a few authors skew the rewards on the post side so i'm thinking if we compare medians instead, comments would be more rewarding.
Well yes , one other user mentioned that too . I will try to post median and mode + standard deviation values from next post .
If I have to get the data for these again and calculate median it will be too long :(
But yeah you are right , I think if we take median, comments will definitely be more rewarding .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very interesting investigation and stats calculation :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks @sodomlv :) Glad you found it interesting .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's awesome! I'm glad you didn't forget the posts and comments which do not earn any reward.
Would love to see a similar analysis for PoB! Keep it up.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sure :) Will post in someday in next week okay ? Thank you for the suggestion :) Have a good day .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Wow, such a complete and extensive post. Thank you for it.
You are most welcome @heruvim1978 .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Interesting stats as always, thanks.
It shows the old truth that when you count in the effort the perspective changes.
We are used to seeing our effort/time as a free resource. Time has value too.
Reblogged :)
@tipu curate
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 11/22) Liquid rewards.
True and one of the resource which most of us lack right now .
Thank you for the curation and reblog :) Really appreciate it .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
What an interesting analysis...@amr008
Glad you liked it :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Excellent, many thanks for the stats there, I prefer to write posts and don't put as much time into commenting, but some days when I can't get a post together, I could make up for it by commenting more. Especially since the rewards appear to equal out in your research.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes @julianhorack , for now both gives same amount of rewards for efforts but it might change in near future because there are increasing number of users who have started posting on LeoFinance so the competition is increasing day by day .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
definitely agree with you that comments are less effort, but I find them quite engaging because they start a conversation about a topic that you are interested in. The great thing about LEO and hive in general is that you may have engaged in conversation on these topics anyway on another platform that you don't get rewarded, so the rewards are a bonus.
I don't get hung up about my rewards for each comment/post, because sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don't but if you consistently post good quality content you are bound to be rewarded on average.
But having said all this, really awesome post, and now I am thinking.. what a great platform where people can earn around $3 per post, for doing something they love!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Exactly , how many users are spending countless amount of hours on FB and twitter ? I feel most of the time they are wasting too much of time for absolutely nothing .
Here , not only we learn something but also get paid for it .
True that but eventually if we are consistent , in the long run we will get rewarded .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Of course, with the comments you will be covering more, since making 40 quality comments in a day looks great, but making 40 posts in a day is spam.
That's why I think that beyond the rewards, comments are the gateway to more knowledge and personal engagement, plus getting more exposure and audience can take that average posting reward from 3 LEO to 30 LEO.
So yes, I prefer comments more.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
True that , it's humanly impossible to post 40 quality posts a day .
I couldn't have said it better :) You are right .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Apakah hal itu berlaku untuk semua bahasa (Posting and Comment) = Rewards
Jujur saya dari Indonesia dan tidak menguasai bahasa inggris
Dan kadang-kadang saat diterjemahkan bahasa artinya mungkin bisa berbeda.
Postingan anda bagus, saya senang dengan analisa yang dibuat.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Oh I don't know Indonesian language but google translate told me this -
Terima kasih atas tanggapan Anda .
Ya, ini berlaku untuk posting dan komentar.
Sepertinya komentar memberi Anda lebih dari sekadar posting atas usaha Anda
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lately I just focus on commenting, regardless of the rewards I get. I don't always create long informational posts so instead I just supplement other people's posts with my opinions and thoughts on a particular subject. I think engagement in the form of comments is rather important for the community so that authors may get inspired to do another post.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's a very good approach @esecholito .
You can hop on to @leomarkettalk daily post where you can chat and engage with numerous other users here on leoFinance .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's it. We have the proof now.
Proof of calculations. 😁
Comments > Posts 😜
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lol yeah that's for sure but I still prefer doing both if possible .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Same here. Need to up the number of posts I am making.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You are indeed the "Dataman" and thos post was not only useful, but very enlightening.
I know the many hours I spend on the average post, which may include several rewrites, proofreading (though I still miss things) and not to mention tweaking things.
Each post will require five or six different titles to choose from and multiple images before I pick the one or two that POP! I've been known to change headings multiple times and also the hours of research involved as well.
That's why I'm folding more commenting in, as I can get those out the door rather quickly, which helps our platform to grow.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you very much @evernotice.leo . I feel really happy when someone benefits from the data I post .
You make the right points . Posts indeed take a lot of time here and I am sure we will see more and more posts everyday which makes more competition to earn LEO and hence less LEO rewards for posts eventually .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You are totally right @arslan.leo , Posts take more time but rewards are good . Comments take less time but rewards are good for that too .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You are most welcome @arslan.leo :)
You can head to @leomarkettalk where there are bunch of people chatting everyday .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta