Excelente trade!. Soportes y resistencias es una de las tecnicas de analisis mas simples de entender y mas efectivas al momento de realizar analisis tecnico.
LLegaste a cerrar la posicion en corto o aun la tienes abierta?. Esa entrada que realizastes tiene una probabilidad de mayor recorrido, hasta la zona de los 107$.
Excellent trade !. Supports and resistance is one of the simplest to understand and most effective analysis techniques when performing technical analysis.
Did you close the position short or do you still have it open? That entry you made has a greater probability to go up to the $ 107 area.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have closed my position and am flat right now.
While I'm sure you're right and there's probably more in it, this is my process and something I stick to.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta