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RE: All hail our advertising overlords!

in LeoFinance2 years ago

so the way some countries run their voting where it's basically buying marketing, favors and twisting laws depending on whoever paid to help them get there it doesn't really mean that they're the best suited for the country or humanity/the world

Belonging to such a country, I attest to the notion above. Honestly speaking, I am not a blind fan of democracy. Democracy can be as bad as other form of governments are said to be, and other form of governments can be as good as democracy is claimed to be. It depends on how the ruler rules. Unfortunately, what I see in my country, so called democracy (with parliamentary form of government) is one the major hinderence in the way of prosperity.

I understand your point about different front-ends usage. It makes sense. On hive we have choice to leave what bothers us and join something else and still be active on the platform. It might be annoying to some extent but still the options are open.