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RE: All hail our advertising overlords!

in LeoFinance • 2 years ago

How fucking absurd of a world do we live in where we just listen to "the masses" no matter if we know if these masses are certified to know what they're talking about or not

Lol. I am feeling it like a question on democracy 😉

For sometime, youtube has become pretty annoying. Ads pop up every now and then destroying the focus you have had for the video. Because ads are the major source of youtube's income they have to work for making them happy.

I don't think that advertisement would be that simple on Hive. When there are stake holders, they have interest which are to be taken care of. If advertisements becomes another big source of income, the community would care for the revenue it generates. If certain type of content is not appreciated by advertisers, community may upgrade its rules accordingly. There might be effect on the monetization of the blogs too.

What web 3 has advantage over web 2 is that no one can ban you but your monetization can easily be removed, can't it?


I am feeling it like a question on democracy

I mean, kind of I guess, there's this saying where "not everyone deserves a voice, you've gotta earn a voice" which I guess goes to say a bit about votes too. Like it's not news that most people have no clue whatsoever not about the average things in life but about politics and stuff, so the way some countries run their voting where it's basically buying marketing, favors and twisting laws depending on whoever paid to help them get there it doesn't really mean that they're the best suited for the country or humanity/the world. The richest people in the world aren't the smartest ones.

Well yeah monetization can be removed but my point is that we're not in that DIRE need of it, we've survived and managed to be without it for this long now, if push comes to shove it's not like we'd bend over backwards to make sure we're satisfying all of the advertisers demands. Some front-ends may and those authors would naturally just move over to another front-end that isn't demonetizing them based off of a few advertisers asking not to monetize certain users content with their ads or something. It's a bit of thing where it'll depend on what exactly, I'm just saying that without ads Youtube would instantly die, they're already running at a loss daily and have to pay for everything from google's other revenue's just to make sure they continue hosting most of the activity on the internet. If ad revenue were to go away completely for some time they would not be able to offer what they do today. Whereas Hive is working on decentralized solutions where the users and regular people are t he ones in charge of maintaining and making sure these things exist and continue existing, not companies. @threespeak is for instance working on decentralization video storage solutions which is exactly the opposite of what youtube does so it would just make sense that if there's adrevenue to be had, it should go towards the users, stakeholders, service providers that make this community run and continue running on this blockchain that has been fine-tuned to scale properly and run cheaply.

so the way some countries run their voting where it's basically buying marketing, favors and twisting laws depending on whoever paid to help them get there it doesn't really mean that they're the best suited for the country or humanity/the world

Belonging to such a country, I attest to the notion above. Honestly speaking, I am not a blind fan of democracy. Democracy can be as bad as other form of governments are said to be, and other form of governments can be as good as democracy is claimed to be. It depends on how the ruler rules. Unfortunately, what I see in my country, so called democracy (with parliamentary form of government) is one the major hinderence in the way of prosperity.

I understand your point about different front-ends usage. It makes sense. On hive we have choice to leave what bothers us and join something else and still be active on the platform. It might be annoying to some extent but still the options are open.