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RE: The End Of Covid-19 Saga Is Near

in LeoFinance3 years ago

If it were for me, I would prefer to live forever with a mask. Like those apocalyptic or dystopian futuristic movies we enjoy.
I have gotten sooo accustomed to spraying alcohol at every table and seat I get to use in public places that at some point I think to myself we should have been doing this since 1918.
Believe it or not, I carry a holster with an alcohol spray around my belt, just like a cowboy with his revolver, just that instead of a revolver, it is my spray bottle in an old cellphone holster.
The fact that people mingle and pack themselves into huge crowds for public events is a no-no in terms of sanitary precautions.
As for going out, who wants to go out and enjoy a family day when you see people around you being homeless, high on drugs and being mean to you and your family.
Why going to a restaurant to eat processed and ultra spicy foods when the meals have skyrocketed so much in price ?
And for the last straw.
Why physically go to work? When, instead, I can work remotely (hint: Hive) and stay at home with all my well accustomed amenities I have readily at home ?