My Jive to 200K HIVE power! - Day 773 update

in LeoFinance2 days ago

gm frens, I hope you're having a wonderful Sunday

Quick quarterly update on my long-term BHAG for my Hive power. Today is day #773 on my 2671 day jive to 200K Hive Power, a journey I started on September 10th, 2022 and the plan is to have reached 200,000 Hive Power by October 2029 or around 236,530 Hive Power on December 31, 2029. That's a total of 2671 days of which I've completed 773, that's 28.94% of the way with about -9.30% variation from my target, a bit wider spread than I was hoping for, but no worries!

DateHP GoalActual HPvariation %
20 Oct '2460,62354,985-9.30%

Ups and downs happen, but long-termers know that a large part of finishing a marathon is the mind-game. You'll face moments of lower motivation, and even voices in your head (figuratively speaking) telling you to quit! but if you manage to stay consistent, you'll be able to reach ANY goal you set yourself.

I'm my case, it's a 2671 journey towards accumulating 236,520 Hive Power on December 31st 2029. That way, on Jan 1st 2030 - a nice round number I think - I can review where I stand on my life goals.

In the case of #freedomtools goals, I intend to have some stake in what I consider to be a super useful protocol that will allow me to continue communicating and transacting regardless of political or economic situations.

With 236,520 HP I'd hopefully still be around the top 100 - 300 or so Hiveans by Hive Power and could work together with other hardcore, mid-sized hiveans to participate in governance of the blockchain, not to mention be generating around $5 or 6K per month (assuming a $5 $HIVE which I think is a possibility) which I can use to buy food and pay for services at places that accept cryptocurrency as a form of payment. I expect there to be many more in 2030.

I haven't had much expendable fiat these past couple of months to buy $HIVE at discounted prices on exchanges, otherwise I might have been able to close the gap a little bit, but I think I might be able to exchange my knowledge for cryptocurrency, in other words: pick up some crypto-friendly clients in the coming months, and maybe have some available stables to convert to HIVE.

These are the milestones and results since I started my journey. Will I reach Orca status this year? haha. If I stretch my arm, I can almost touch it with the tips of my fingers, but I don't know if it will happen in 2024. 2025 for sure.

DateHP GoalActual HP
13 Aug '2345,06044,177
22 Dec '2348,61848,588
31 Dec '2348,98048,745
31 Dec '2463,450---
31 Dec '2583,169---
31 Dec '26109,274---
31 Dec '27138,839---
31 Dec '28170,681---
21 Oct '29200,000---
31 Dec '29236,520---

In the meantime, I'll focus in one day at a time, always thinking of ways to add value to fellow hiveans and receive value in return; peer-to-peer, value-for-value.

I'll also be manually curating authors that create content that is

  • Valuable to the ecosystem
  • Interesting/valuable to me
  • From users who are valuable to the community
  • Shows effort
  • Original
    The posts I vote on don't have to meet all criteria; just any one of the ones listed above with the highest weight given to the first category.

Stay amazing fellow freedomnauts! I wish you a great journey to independance.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Looks like you're staying ahead of your mini goals in the process which is always a huge plus!

Thanks, I'm a bit off from my overall goal at the moment; -9.3% to be more precise. I'll have to tweak some of my short term goals to make up for the current shortcoming.

A little bump of many to help you get on track ;)

Nice man, best of luck making it to your HP goal.

Yeah man, thanks! I'm slightly below my goal at the moment (-9.3%) not a huge deal. For some reason, author rewards for me have been a bit lower than expected this year. I can always buy on the open market as soon as I get some disposable fiat, but I haven't had that lately. I'll continue my jive and see what happens.

My thinking is 230,000 HP at 10% curation/author rewards is about 2K HIVE per month or $10,000 is HIVE is at $5. With everything going on in the HIVE blockchain, I think $5 is reasonable in 2030.

I think you're making great progress, mate. The -9% can be reversed considering you still have until 2029. Especially here on Hive, we have many ways to earn and compound our investments.

I like reading posts like this because they help me evaluate my own Hive goals and progress too.

Let’s keep it up 👍

You're right, still got a ways to go. 1898 days to figure out how to close the gap. I'm not worried :) Lot's of initiatives come up that allow us to accumulate some HIVE.

I hope to be able to show people that it CAN be done if you're willing to be disciplined about it.

congrats on your progress. you are doing great. I was here since december 2017 so in a way I had a head start but you left me in the dust. I would love to have 100k HP and 50k HBD at some point in the future. That seems like insane goal but in another 15-20 years it may be possible. I bought some HBD recently but I wish that I could afford so much more...

Wow! you're an OG! I stumbled upon this magic place in 2019 and was mostly inactive for about a year and then I was sort of active for a long while. I didn't start being really active until later when I started understanding things and started to create bonds with other Hiveans. I have a feeling attending HiveFest would be amazing to create friendships with fellow believers. I really hope I can make it happen soon. In the meantime, I'll be trying my best to engage with the community online via text, video and sound when an X Space or Discord get-together comes along.

(assuming a $5 $HIVE which I think is a possibility)

Do you mean in this cycle or the next?
For this cycle, it's completely possible. Hive bottomed around 15 cents this cycle and at 7 cents last cycle, so 5 to 6$ is possible, but we could also get a worse case scenario of 3 to 4$

Congratulations on your 6 years mini plans, I think you're starting it right.

@tipu curate

$5 HIVE in 2025 would be a godsend! but I'm going to say by 2030.

Congratulations on your 6 years mini plans

Those are yearly milestones on my BHAG masterplan.

$5 HIVE in 2025 would be a godsend! but I'm going to say by 2030.

I'll say it's not impossible in this cycle considering where we bottomed and compared to the run in early 2021, going by these stats, 5$ should be doable, but then all these are just market speculation.

Long term goals are usually more difficult because it is easy to slack off or put off things for later. There are also a lot of things that can happen in between that can mess things up. I agree that consistency is key in a lot of this. You're a bit behind on your projected progress, but I believe you can do it. It will also be a great help if we enter a bull run. BTC has been climbing, and I hope Hive follows soon.

I find the best way to achieve long-term goals is to focus on the daily milestones. My author rewards have been a little lower than expected this year, but I'll try to come up with some new series that my audience finds engaging. We'll get back on track at some point.

Screenshot 2024-10-21 at 2.24.26 PM.png

Looking forward to it. I guess you didn't have time for the Blender series you mentioned before?

Really ambitious and exciting plan, Alex! 💪🏻 Keep going!
Personally I take it step by step for the next months since I reached my first big goal of 10k HP, next goal is 12k HP

Thank you! I made my plan a couple of years ago. I was already tracking how much HP I make from author, curator, APR% from holding and powering up purchases. I just stretched it out for 8 years and got this chart. :)

Congratulations on reaching 10K HP 🙌. remember: every fraction of a HIVE you stake is compounded, so your next goal will be easier to reach.

Nice goal, AND nice progress!

Thanks Pele! almos 1/3 of the way there! 🙌 Baby steps every day towards financial freedom!

Same here, I am at 26300 now and about 7500 LEO, just keep on growing that stake!

Huge congrats! I haven't set a LEO goal for myself yet, but I will soon.

It's normal to have ups and downs, but I have to stay focused. Hope you have that goal. There is no failure for those who set their goals. Best wishes to you,

Absolutely fren!

There's no failure for those who set goals AND practice the discipline to work towards achieving them in a consistent manner. That last part is key.

Hope you too will achieve your goal one day

Thanks! shooting for Dec 31st 2029 :)

This is very big achievement and congrats.

#hive #posh

Thank you for the encouragement my friend. I'm still in progress. Currently on day 773 of 2671(so 28.94%) I plan on calling it an achievement in 2030 ;) see you then!

Your goal is good, hope your goal will be fulfilled one day. If you keep the goal right, one day it will be fulfilled

Thanks! My goal is set and I'm shooting for Dec 31st 2029. With a bit of consistency, I'm sure I can there in my established timeframe.

I know you can reach that goal. 😊😊

Thank you so much for your encouraging words 🙌

You're welcome.😊

This is a big goal, the graph you draw is moving towards your goal. This is very good work

The graph does, indeed, show my goal and my progress towards it.
