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RE: Wenn Freunde der falschen Prophetin folgen.../When friends follow the false prophetess....

in LeoFinance • 3 years ago

Junior Rente? Sounds like a word joke.... 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I would do it like you even without reading this post. Maybe maybe I would even buy gold and silver and give it to future kids... First I thought junior Rente would mean something like financial freedom with 18 but than I read your post. Had a bit to smile... Banks... Never changed.... Lmao. Thanks for making me smile. Have a great evening.

 3 years ago (edited) 

Mein Post sollte der Aufklärung dienen. Ich bin positiv überrascht wie schlecht immer noch über Bitcoin gesprochen wird und wie naiv viele Bürger sind... 😉

My post was meant to clarify. I am positively surprised how badly Bitcoin is still talked about and how naive many citizens are... 😉