Part 2/8:
The story begins with young Judy Hopps, who, amidst the dark forest, experiences a thrilling—and frightening—scene involving a tiger that turns out to be just a child’s imagination gone awry. Judy's idyllic upbringing in Bunnyburrow, where harmony reigns among species, contrasts sharply against her dreams of becoming a police officer and pursuing a career in Zootopia. Despite her parents’ cautious dissuasion, urging her to focus on safer ambitions such as farming carrots, Judy's determination prevails.
At a young age, Judy confronts a bully, Gideon Grey, a fox who steals from her peers. Although overpowered momentarily, Judy's bravery emerges when she stands up against him, successfully recovering the stolen tickets and earning her first taste of triumph in the face of adversity.