Commerce tied to HIVE should've been a no-brainer 7 years ago...
There have been attempts like #hivelist, but they practically all failed... Maybe @thelogicaldude tells me if I'm wrong, though.
Commerce tied to HIVE should've been a no-brainer 7 years ago...
There have been attempts like #hivelist, but they practically all failed... Maybe @thelogicaldude tells me if I'm wrong, though.
Yep, I have tried ever since the fork. Got virtually ZERO support all but a few people here and there. Most people on Hive are only looking to get their rewards, they don't care about the fundamentals and about building an actual ecosystem.
Everything is still there though. The classifieds still runs, all people need to do is use it.
Good to know... I do post there from time to time, but I rarely get any comments.
I have seen that. I haven't really kept up with a lot of curation in a while. Had too much going on. But now that I have my trading life all settled, I may try to revive it, and get more active here on Threads with it. At least get some focus on the main tags.