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RE: CBDCs Are Not Welcomed. CBDCs Are Rat Poison and DEFINITELY NOT CRYPTO

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Oh boy, interesting times for sure. A few thoughts, here in Canada we have seen our charter rights essentially suspended with police recently being given powers to stop people in the street or in their vehicles if they are "suspected of gathering with people outside their household". At first the police were given powers to randomly stop people in the streets and demand info about what they are doing, who they are with, and where they are going but thankfully there was a big enough backlash that those powers were scaled back. Now police are only able to setup random roadblocks in order to question you on what you are doing and where you're going.

I'm sure the plan was to push for as much power as possible knowing it would be clawed back somewhat, and the net result is expanded powers. I have friends that are starting to come to me and say hey you were right about Ontario becoming a police state.

Regarding CBDC, where to start. I'm glad we have seen decentralized crypto's before a CBDC is rolled out, at least we have an alternative that can hopefully fight back against future manipulation of the public through a CBDC.

CBDC's will in my opinion inevitably be dangerous. With no cash and no crypto's a person would be completely at the mercy of a government that could freeze, or delete their coins at any time. However I think enough people know the value of having cash on hand that there may be some significant resistance against a cashless society. Here's hoping.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That's police state what you have there. You should all get out on the streets and protest. I'm amazed that something like this happens in Canada

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta