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RE: Going to College in the United States: Going Into Debt

in LeoFinance5 years ago

Hello friend Chriddi,
So nice to see you here. I'm not surprised to hear you work with children who have special needs. My brief career was also with children who faced unusual difficulties. In my earliest years I was slow people gave up on me. Then I went through an inexplicable learning spurt and somehow became one of the bright kids. I changed in everyone else's eyes, but not mine. So when I taught my 'special' students I always saw myself.
As for tracking, in this country we track in a different way. We have school districts that are tied to neighborhoods and neighborhoods that are tied to wealth and race. So, though nobody calls it tracking, that's the effect. Every family shops for a home in a "good" school district.
I think people with privilege will always find a way to exert that.
Forgive me the long response.
I hope you, your husband and those beautiful dogs (especially Max) are well.
Very warm, sincere regards,