Ethereum vs. Cardano: Which is BEST

in LeoFinance • 4 years ago


Ethereum was technically founded by 8 people including Vitalik Buterin and Charles Hoskinson in December 2013. Charles later left Ethereum to found Cardano.

Charles is a mathematician who dropped out of his PhD to work in cryptocurrency full time. Vitalik is a computer scientist who dropped out of his bachelor’s program for the same reason.


In terms of development, Ethereum has more of a hands-on approach by putting practice before theory. Ethereum’s approach gave it the first mover advantage when it launched in the summer of 2015.

This is in stark contrast to Cardano. Every component of its architecture is peer reviewed and rigorously tested by academics prior to implementation.


The Cardano blockchain has a dual layer architecture. The first is the settlement layer which keeps a record of all ADA and native asset transactions.

The second is the computation layer which will run Cardano’s upcoming smart contracts. Cardano uses a proof of stake consensus protocol.

Ethereum 2.0 has a shard chain architecture.This allows shards to process transactions in parallel, and the initial 64 shards in Ethereum 2.0 will all connect to the Beacon chain.

The Beacon Chain coordinates staking and consensus between all the shards, and this set up will make it possible for Ethereum 2.0 to process around 100 thousand transactions per second.


ADA staking rewards are currently about 4 and a half percent per year, and any staked or delegated ADA can be withdrawn at any time.

73% of all ADA is currently being staked, which works out to a whopping 30 billion dollars at the time of shooting.

Similar to Cardano, staking rewards on Ethereum 2.0 vary depending on how much ETH is being staked, and the current annual return is about 7 and a half percent.

Just under 4.1 million ETH is currently being staked, worth over 11 billion dollars at the time of shooting. This ETH will be locked for 1 year or more.


ADA’s initial supply of 31.1 billion was premined by IOHK, and just under 26 billion ADA was sold by the Cardano Foundation across five ICO in 2015 and 2016.

Nearly 80 million dollars’ worth of BTC was brought in by these sales. The remaining 5.2 billion ADA were allocated to IOHK, Emurgo, and the Cardano Foundation.

In 2014, the Ethereum Foundation premined ETH’s initial supply of 72 million. 60 million of that ETH was sold in a public ICO later that year

The remaining 12 million ETH went to the Ethereum Foundation, which distributed 6 million of that ETH to the 85 developers who were working on Ethereum at the time.

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