
Make sure you have the minimum 500 $LEO Staked though

If you don't have at least that minimum staked, it won't count you in the contract snapshot

I do but does it matter if it's delegated out?

How is it split other than that?

How does the delegated in/out $LEO count for the contract snapshot?

I wonder what your UX will be like. I still experience some glitches. Inleo works fine for a single language post that is basically text only. However, submiting a bilingual post with many photos was purgatory, so I ended up using Ecency.

Isn't the adrevenue bind to how much Leo Power one has?

is that all? waiting to see what the exact parameters are

If I remember correctly, there was also a treshhold for views...maybe 200?

Ah, that could explain why little minnow sloths like myself struggle...I wonder if there's a way to encourage small users instead of just whales...surely having more small users coming through is better than boosting the whales?

It's not only the whales who get part of the of the ad revenue. I got a nice share too even though I have only 4,700 LP. 🙂

I think it's a pretty fair game - those who produce content get rewarded LEO and then they stake that and get more rewards. It's a great system to reward active members!

I also think that once the smaller users realize the importance of staking they are more likely to stay and contribute more. 🙂

I'll need to keep an eye on things and see how they progress for me, my first week as a premium user was a little disappointing, although, i think part of that was my lack of activity for a few days.

I've staked everything i've made through LEO, just need to see if i can make enough over the next 3 weeks to continue the premium. Thanks for the info.

hell yeah.


Can't hurt to try! I'm sure you'll be able to post a different perspective than from a small user too! I've been journalling my adventure so far this month with #premium!

They say sloth and steady wins the race, but sometimes i think i could do with some acid yo!

I would recommend it, it benefits everyone

I think you should do it and yes 500 leo stake is required. That does not matter if you delegate it.

You should! And you should bring all your followers with ya!

Nice to see you there man!

Yes, why not try it out and see how it does?