The New Normal is Nothing You Have Imagined, Klaus Schwab!

in LeoFinance4 years ago

"You will owe nothing and you will be happy". That's the narrative the elites are trying to promote as a way out of a programmed pandemic, all said through the dirty mouth of Klaus Schwab. Kind of a Hitler of modern times.

There is a war going on right now and it's not a war that we're used to, "made by the US" to drain a certain country out of its resources. This war is a psychological one and it's actually between the ones supposed to work for the good of the people and the masses.

Draconian oligarchs have come to the point where amassing wealth is no longer an incentive for their huge egos. It is time for them to try and control almost every move so called free citizens are making. I don't know if anyone is aware what implications the acceptance of COVID passports will have on our freedom, but it's lethal.

It's not about a disease, it never was. This was just a catalyst towards fulfilling a long born ideal of implementing a new world order on the planet. It's things that I read about some twenty years ago that are now fulfilling, CBDCs being one of them. I haven't read about Bitcoin back then, it wasn't on the pipeline probably, but it might be a fix to this crooked system.

I don't know if you noticed, but there's a trend that's starting to emerge right now and that trend is for politicians, the good ones of course, advertising themselves by associating their names with Bitcoin. I guess the president of El Salvador has done that the most aggressively.

President of Belarus encouraged his citizens to use the huge amounts of electricity the country has to mine cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin instead of flocking to foreign lands and work their ground for cheap.

Recently the news came out that Maxime Bernier, founder and leader of the People's Party of Canada, has said he supports the adoption of cryptocurrencies in the country.


Mad Max, as he's also called in Canada has been a vocal proponent of ending the draconian lock downs, mask mandates and vaccine mandates in the country. This man has balls, I tell you that and if he's gonna win the elections then you're gonna have Bitcoin enter a super cycle for sure. Canada was one of my favorite countries, but the way it succumbed to the pandemic has turned it into a communist country rather than a paradise it used to be.

Bitcoin is "the new jewelry" that some of the personalities around the world are starting to show off with. The idea of adopting some internet currency that's about to disrupt a whole system created by the central banks is starting to become a reality on a large scale.

This pandemic has nevertheless acted as an awakening process for the masses, not for the majority probably, but there are quite a few who have realized you can not rely on the current financial and political system anymore. Neither of them is working for the benefit of the individual. Bitcoin and cryptocurrency does that, it's probably the first tool ever in the hands of humanity in gaining true ownership.

We don't own our lives like we used to, not even two years ago. There's too much restrictions and control for nothing. Blockchain technology can and will fix that, if used by the right people.

I've talked quite often of a super cycle in crypto and folks like MaximeBernier, Nayib_Bukele and Michael Saylor are personalities that can push the mass adoption of crypto into leading the whole market in such a super cycle. The demand will be huge in the years to come once a few key persons will do the right thing for crypto and when the masses will have had enough.

We don't need Klasu Schwab, the SEC or whatever regulatory entity some of us would expect to push Bitcoin to mass adoption. The code is enough regulatory framework for Bitcoin. The new normal is in the hands of all of us and it might be quite surprising. A golden age for humanity won't come easy and without costs though. That's for sure. Bitcoin seems to be the new digital label some politicians are proudly wearing.

I guess Klaus Schwab should have said: you'll be the true owner of your digital property and you'll be happy about that. Have a great Sunday folks and see you to the next one!

Thanks for attention,

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thank you for expressing clearly what everyone should open their eyes on. I wish to see more and more of this everywhere.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I hope that too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Unfortunately, few people understand this is a war, not a pandemic.
As for the future, I wish I could share your optimism. I understand all too well the value of digital property and ditching the old banking system, but I wonder whether the powers that be won't come up with something to block this somehow. After what we've been through these past two years nothing seems impossible.

It is a war between the old school wealthy guys and the new world crypto opportunity driven guys.
Wealth is about to change hands, this could be the opportunity you generation needs to be wealthy

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I don’t know why I really don’t trust politicians. Maxime might have a good intention about cryptocurrency but that could just be a political game to step up his manifesto and trigger the masses to vote for him.
Politicians can’t be trusted, talking from my Nigerian view.
If he does as he says then it’s really gonna have a positive effect on the world of crypto because the fiat currency is gradually becoming irrelevant

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I know what you mean, we've been tricked by them for ages as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't support Schwab. They only want to continue the legacy financial system where the rich and powerful maintain their power. I have heard of Maxime Bernier because Va Frei (don't remember his real name) was choosing to run as a candidate under the people's party of Canada. Obviously I am not canadian but I have been hearing about things from time to time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Schwab is rat poison.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I do not fret when someone says there will be a brand new currency that disrupts existing financial system. I am okay if the new system is based on pro choice and does not take with it the negativities of existing system. Having said that, Maxim Bernier cannot be the cult figure to carry that burden going forward. We cannot judge individuals based on one policy and he cannot be a leader that leads a multicultural society in Canada. I respect his as an individual but his policies that cover wide array of sectoral issues are not balanced at all.Success of Bitcoin cannot be associated with these personalities.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't know much details about him but I appreciate him for standing against these tyrannical lockdowns and for being a Bitcoin proponent.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They will lose. Schwab is taking a technological idea and trying to condense it into a controlled apparatus. What he does not realize, this is not the 1970s, or even 1990s. Developers are everywhere and we are moving towards a software based economy. To control things means controlling the software, which is not possible.

The tyranny is increasing because they are losing control. Whatever they do, we simply develop around it.

You dont think the SpkNetwork will have major implications once it goes live? Of course it will.

This is a process and they did incredible work in the last 18 months. However, the next 18 will belong to the developers. Think of where we will be in early 2023 with all this.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I already saw a screenshot pointing towards the SpkNetwork being close to launch. I honestly don't know much about it, but it has to be something good. So far Hive has delivered quite a few remarkable projects.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta




Read how this all have started with Toruk

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the BOOM and promotion. Much appreciated.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

To express how much I like and support your point.


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I knew you would resonate with this topic. Someone who saw the value in Bitcoin from like eight years ago would definitely not agree with characters such as Klaus Schwab and his narrative. As said in my post, we're at war, probably the most important one in human history. It's not going to be an easy one though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good point. Just read that US Treasury researched stablecoins and reach the conclusion that they are a danger to the banking system. See the irony?

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Basically a society for ants, not humans.From the horse's mouth. Minute 7:20

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would shoot this guy...:D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Crypto took a bit of a dump this morning, but the only thing worse than holding BTC right now would be holding USD

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I like when people are able to finish my suspicions in a more complete way than I think I could have come up with. The super rich are so rich it's not even fun anymore. The next challenge for them is total control like you mentioned.

The conclusion that I came to was that the real reason they wanted so much money was to fund big changes and most are now showing their plans. Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk want the new frontier of space exploration, Bill Gates, etc want to own this world.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good observation. I hope they fail.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I haven't read about Bitcoin back then, it wasn't on the pipeline probably, but it might be a fix to this crooked system.

I thought so too, until a few years ago. In my opinion, the decentralised idea behind Bitcoin died faster than that of the internet when it was still in its infancy. And a digital currency with the characteristics of Bitcoin, but managed by a central authority (even if it is a group or institution or the like), is in my opinion a step backwards as far as the freedom of individuals is concerned.

Honestly, I wish you were right, but unfortunately I don't see it. I see a division of people that is increasing and a building of a vision of a world that is not a good world, but will become reality.

Thoughts about the future make me only one thing at the moment: very tired.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am not a Canadian citizen yet I have some opinions about it which I would not like to share if I am afraid I have heard of Maxim Bernier because Va Frei (I don't remember his real name) decided to run as a candidate under the People's Party of Canada but here Whether I support Swab or not will have little effect on me or the people of Canada

But I think if a new system is the beginning of a new transaction in a new cryptocurrency transaction then I think it is going to be a good direction if there is a security in all the transactions if there is proper security in any transaction and customers are properly evaluated. The system seems to me to be an acceptable new system based on Pro Choice and it does not take the negativity of the existing system but I can think that he can be a leader who no other leader in the history of Canada has taken such a step. We’ll see later what kind of action to take next and what things to create for the new

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