
in LeoFinance23 hours ago


I know politics is just a smokescreen to distract the plebs from the real rulers of the world, but the Biden administration has proven to be the worst clown show ever to run the US. Sometimes, it feels like even my shitty little country has better leaders than the mighty US.

However, the man himself, Donald Trump Jr., who once worked at McDonald's, will supposedly turn things around for the better. Probably the worst move the US has made in recent years was trying to weaken Russia. What did they actually accomplish after sending billions in so-called military aid to Ukraine? They made Russia stronger and more popular.

The de-dollarization initiative is no longer confined to BRICS as other emerging economies are participating in the discussions at the 2024 summit. The outreach session will be conducted on the last day of the summit on October 24, 2024. Topics such as de-dollarization, new trade policies, and the usage of local currencies will take center stage. The nine-member alliance will meet for the first time at the table for discussions after the expansion last year.

If you want a masterclass in shooting yourself in the foot, just ask the Biden administration... What’s the actual situation in Ukraine? Well, there’s barely any data coming out lately, and my take is that this war will be swept under the rug, just like COVID—another man-made psyop that showed how dumb and controllable the masses are.

Seeing all these world leaders meeting in Russia and plotting to ditch the dollar for international trade should make you wonder: is the US intentionally killing the USD?

From my perspective, the dollar’s strength has always been its global usage and its weaponization, but when those use cases get undermined, the dollar’s no longer the world’s strongest currency. That said, the dollar won’t fall that easily, especially with stablecoins on the rise.

As you’ve probably noticed, 99.9% of stablecoins used in crypto are dollar-backed, and with crypto expanding, de-dollarizing won’t be that simple.

Western media outlet BBC admits attempts to isolate Russia have failed, as BRICS Summit becomes one of the largest foreign policy events in Russia's history.

We don’t need the BBC to tell us this—it’s crystal clear Russia is far from isolated. When their president is out there making moves, strengthening ties, and hosting 40 presidents to talk BRICS and empowering countries that have been bullied by the American dollar for years, the narrative falls apart.

Personally, I’m not a fan of either US or Russian policies, but I’ve got to give Putin credit—he’s way smarter than Obama and his puppets (Biden and Harris). The only thing the West has managed to isolate in the past four years is our trust in any governmental institution. Just my two cents…

Thanks for your attention,