@acesontop Hey buddy, thanks for voicing out your concern.
As part of the dev team of Torum, we clearly understand making the phone number a requirement is actually driving away a lot of potential users. But it is quite an effective way to stop the bots from flooding into the platform. We put user's experience on top of everything else. We don't hope to see Torum becoming another home for trashy and spammy contents. We will remove this requirement when we developed a better way to handle this issue in the future.
Rest assured that Torum will not sell any information from users. Not now, not anytime in future. Feel free to type in any fake phone numbers and pm me on Torum. We can manually verify your account since we know you are a genuine user.
Cheers and have a nice day! Hope to see you soon on Torum! <3
Yes, it is good. Not only me is doing it, also some others. It is an ETH token and they have also their own exchange.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Will have a look at it. I found annoying that they require your phone number.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
@acesontop Hey buddy, thanks for voicing out your concern.
As part of the dev team of Torum, we clearly understand making the phone number a requirement is actually driving away a lot of potential users. But it is quite an effective way to stop the bots from flooding into the platform. We put user's experience on top of everything else. We don't hope to see Torum becoming another home for trashy and spammy contents. We will remove this requirement when we developed a better way to handle this issue in the future.
Rest assured that Torum will not sell any information from users. Not now, not anytime in future. Feel free to type in any fake phone numbers and pm me on Torum. We can manually verify your account since we know you are a genuine user.
Cheers and have a nice day! Hope to see you soon on Torum! <3
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hey, so nice of you to read the post by Alex and drop by to respond ;)
Can we also manually verify @trumpman?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
@katerinaramm Hello, @trumpman is verified now on Torum. Thanks for vouching for him!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Katerina & Trumpman χρησιμοποιείτε ακόμα το Torum ή έχετε σταματήσει?
I'll try that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm creating my account right now using an old phone number. Lets see if it works.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Now what do I have to do to verify my account?Here you have me: https://www.torum.com/u/acesontop
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
@acesontop You account is now verified. Done following you as well. I hope you make yourself home at Torum. Cheers and stay safe!
Thank you very much. Time to see what torum is all about now.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta