AskLeo - Is Project Blank Gonna Kill Your Blog?

in LeoFinance3 years ago


It's been quite a while since I read a post about project blank or heard any news about it so I thought I should write one. Not intending to put pressure on anyone, cough Khal, but wouldn't be nice to have our microblogging app at the palm of our hands these days?

I'd love that and it would fit my day today like a charm. I haven't posted anything today till now, although I have a quite well nailed routine in here, because I've been away looking to buy a car, but with no success, due to the fact that most of the Romanians are liars...

Not having much time available to be online I couldn't blog either and I really felt like being left out of this world of Hive. It's true, I could have at least read a few posts and leave a comment or two, but I admit I love creating content much more than consuming the one of others.

You can't blog much when on the road though and especially when you're mood is ruined. Having that long awaited microblogging app would have kept me active I'd say. There are probably still things to be taken care of by the Leofinance team and that's why we don't have it yet, but I see it as perfect for such situations and it reminds me of a community I created about a year ago named Hive on the go.

An important question popped while pondering on project blank and that was: will project blank kill my blog? Am I gonna become a shit poster and die as a blogger when that thingy is out?

I don't think so... I'm still a blogger and will probably be for long time ahead. There are days like this one when it's almost impossible to blog, at least not the way I like it, and that's when a microblogging app would be come like a charm... But no, project blank is not killing my blog.

I'm still a long form content creator and will be as such for years. That's how I express myself. But, what about you, is project blank gonna kill your blogging?

Thanks for attention,

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I was just thinking of writing something about #ProjectBlank, just to see if anyone knows what's happening! So much chatter when it was first proposed, and then nothing. It won't kill my long-form blogging, no... but I am curious to see what kind of traffic it gets. Should be interesting. :)

I'd say it will generate a lot of traffic.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is going to get a ton of traffic in my opinion especially if it ties into Twitter like was initially announced.

We see the popularity of so this will be that but on steroids. I have a feeling the Hive Twitter Army will go nuts with it once it is released.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ok, so i am confused of very out of date at this stage as i am not sure what project blank is ?
A new dApp or something that sort of ?
Good luck with you car hunting i wish you will find your dream car soon.

Project blank is a microblogging app such as twitter. It's being developed by Leofinance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree with you. There are days or times throughout my day that being able to microblog just makes a ton more sense than writing a full 500+ word post. I don't think it will kill my blog, but it is sure going to supplement it a lot.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is another layer to the ecosystem that will be added.

We are going to see the interaction by people skyrocket. There is a reason this is so eagerly anticipated.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Same here.

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I'd love an update on all the Leo projects to be honest. It's weird that everything is so quiet now. That was one of the things i loved about LEO and that made it different - being kept up to date with all that's going on.

The lack of communication lately is killing my enthusiasm. I don't mind waiting but I'd like to be kept in the loop.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would agree with you @gillianpearce. I do not think the team realizes how catastrophic their new stance (if it is that) of not communicating is.

That was one of the things that set them apart.

Now it is like most other tribes, crickets....

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That was one of the things that set them apart.

Exactly! You'd think people would have learnt their lessons after all the stuff with Ned, for example, and people crying out for information.

Splinterlands used to be really bad at it too but they finally got the message that communication is vital. It's made a huge difference.

I know the LEO team are busy but just a quick update would be all it would take.


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I believe that's due to the fact that they're working on multiple projects at the same time.

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I agree with your take. I think that if I shitpost quite a lot on blank, it won't change the fact that I enjoy making longer articles over here. I think that both can coexist for me, the group that should be worried about losing me is Twitter.

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Microblogging opens up the door for much greater opportunities. It can bring different content to the surface.

It will be interesting how people approach it and what is done on it.

I think it will change Hive entirely, almost overnight.

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Well it takes away the barrier to entry that is composing quality posts to not look like an idiot. When we see things that resemble shitposts we assume it is low grade content even if it may have a lot of intellectual merit to it. I think that introducing a space for short-form content will take that bias away and allow for more voices to be heard

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For days like this one it would be like a charm.

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No it won't change my blogging. I might just use the Project Blank to get ideas then write my posts based on whatever I feel like.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nope, not at all. People still blog all the time and they use twitter to promote their blog. I only see it helping the entire system while the shit posters now try their dumb tactics on projectblank.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Your post was promoted by @clicmaster

An important question popped while pondering on project blank and that was: will project blank kill my blog?

Only if you are a crap poster now.

Most people's posts on Leofinance are better suited for Blank. They are short for in nature. I think Blank will clean up Leofinance, giving those who really arent into long for content a place to post their stuff.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I used to check the new posts page quite often, but not anymore. I'm just consuming the content I have on my feed. I agree with you some posts would really fit the type of content for a microbloging app.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No, it will not kill my blogging. But it will provide an outlet for short-form content and engagement based on it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Kill is a strong word, haha... But one thing is sure: I need this project on my table right now, haha!

Especially during a bull market it would have been great.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think projectblank is likely to mess with the long-form content creators, as a lot of people will start making short form content instead. I also think this is likely to decrease the overall engagement, if we don't increase it before projectblank is out.

However, I think it will be a phase and that long-form content will come back rather quickly, after people have used projectblank for about 2 weeks or so.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We no longer have too much long form content in here anyway.

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That's a good point, but LeoFinance is supposed to be long-form and projectblank short form. At least from my understanding.

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I don't understand, what is project blank?

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