An absolutely abnormal new normal

in LeoFinance4 years ago

The covid-19 pandemic, which is not really a pandemic, considering the real numbers of those infected with the sars cov 2 virus and not those manipulated by the media and corrupt healthcare professionals, began in Europe in the month of March, and since then nothing has been the same. The measures to combat this virus, in this case lockdowns, have done nothing more than steal the fundamental freedoms we once had and tame us to accept a new normal future of modern society.

Besides the fact that the freedom of movement both within each one's home country, but also outside the states, as well as the sovereignty over our body have been abusively violated by the authorities, with the help of submissive law enforcement, the world economy seems to be in decline, inflation and state indebtedness will certainly reach alarming levels, while we are forced to stay at home as long as possible, to give up social life, to have no vacations at all, to be unemployed, children are deprived of a healthy education system and interaction with those of their age that is stringent for a healthy maturation, all in the name of our health and our protection against a virus that is probably nothing more than a flu.

The vast majority of hotels are closed almost everywhere, transport companies do not do better either, restaurants, at least in the country where I live, barely survive, a lot of small businesses, especially in the field of hospitality are close to bankruptcy, if they did not go bankrupt by now, and all that the media broadcasts daily on radio and TV are just reports and dry figures, triggering fear among listeners and readers, almost completely ignoring the adverse effects of this pandemic, beyond a virus that according to official tests was also detected in pawpaw fruits or goats, who were living quite well without the need to wear a mask in the country of Tanzania.


I believe that any kind of protective measure against this virus, if it really exists, should be taken consciously and voluntarily by each of us, and that their forced imposition, such as wearing mandatory masks and social distance, are abusive. Probably few of those who obediently accept all these measures, and their absurd contravention measures, realize the long-term effects of these lock downs and the closure of many businesses around the world, in the name of our salvation from the virus. Some companies will probably never recover, the rising unemployment rate in almost any corner of the world will lead to huge foreign debt and probably unimaginable inflation.

It is also worth mentioning the social impact that this so-called pandemic has on modern society. With or without our will, social life is increasingly dragged into the online and virtual environment leaving behind family reunions, outings, social gatherings such as parties and weddings, school as the vast majority of us knew it practically doesn't exist anymore, the children being forced to attend online classes and wear masks when they leave the house. Is it worth all these sacrifices to try to fight this virus? Another question that many of us should ask ourselves is: if the effects of this virus are so devastating what was the needed of covid tests and results falsification , the fabrication of false news to induce fear and the use of the police, and of the army to fight against those who do not want to accept these measures?

At first there was talk of a two-week lock-down to stop this virus, but almost a year has passed since this virus miraculously invaded us and it seems that the way out of this situation does not seem to be glimpsed. We ended up celebrating that we are allowed to meet relatives or go to a restaurant, once in a while, when in fact it should be a given. Markets are closed while malls and super markets remain open. Doesn't that seem absurd? Do you not consider that our fundamental rights and freedoms are being violated in the name of this virus, or not?

Speaking of what once seemed normal, it seems that the new normal will have nothing in common with the old normal, and the savior of the pandemic will of course be a vaccine. Vaccine that according to some scientists is absolutely impossible to achieve in such a short time, but which is already announced by companies such as Pfizer or Moderna, which already boasts of its effectiveness in the tests performed by them and which will bring billions of dollars to those who will benefit from it. The problem will not end suddenly with the launch of the vaccine, because there is already talk of passports that will prove vaccination, absolutely necessary for those who want to travel or work in public places, when the new normal will come.

This new normal will lead to an abnormal future, and everything that is currently happening in the world, weighing heavily on world economies, is nothing more than a process of training the population. A process by which the common man is trained to accept a totalitarian police state, the mask being the human muzzle we must wear, to give up fundamental freedoms and privacy, to submit to controls worthy of prisons at the entrance of a supermarket, and a future microchip implanted under the skin that will serve as an identity and bank account, scanning the temperature at the entrance to supermarkets and injecting the vaccine being the exercises that prepare us for them, and social distancing will certainly lead to much more living in the virtual environment and as little human interaction as possible.

As Orwell predicted in 1948, everything but work will be banned, and everything that once defined us as the human race will be just a memory. When we have exclusively digital identities, digital currencies and a totalitarian system that in the name of our security steals our freedoms and the right to privacy, it will be very difficult to get out of this system, because even the minimum needs to survive will depend on accepting the measures imposed by those who claim to work for us and that totalitarian system. However, I wonder if Bitcoin and crypto, together with blockchain technology, will play a positive role in the fight against this agenda of enslaving the population. I will repeat myself once again and say that it’s not that much about the virus as it is about leading the world towards globalization and towards a totalitarian society and a hard to escape system.

Thanks for attention,

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I was saying a while ago it used to be weird to see people with masks on when you were out in public and now it is weird to see people without them. That is going to be one of the biggest things to get used to. I wonder how many people will still wear them even when things are back to "normal".

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Exactly. It feels odd not wearing it. I doubt we will ever get back to normal.

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Eventually, the revolution will come!

I hope so.

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I'm sorry I read this article, Adrian! It is difficult for me to understand that someone is talking about totalitarianism now, and I mean Romania. I was 45 years old when communism fell, so adolescence and the most beautiful part of my life I lived in totalitarianism. I am convinced that in those years you could not have expressed your opinion against any action coming from the communist state. We never dreamed it would be possible.
Now I'm recovering from coronavirus, I passed more easily but my wife was almost ...
I understand the hunger of young people for a life that is only on the upward curve of everything, but sometimes the cynicism with which they do not think about the collateral victims (in this case the elderly, the sick and the less powerful people).
Lack of understanding for collective protection measures, even if some may be wrong, lack of solidarity (here I mean life, not the losses that so-called producers may have in the markets), the requirement that most are wrong and only a handful of enlightened people know not only the truth but also the saving solution ...
Fortunately, we live in a democracy that I have dreamed of for almost half my life. In a week, those who think like you can change to vote (but of course you do not recognize the vote, Professor Trump has managed to introduce an axiom, whoever loses is definitely stolen!). If the majority is convinced that everything is a lie and just the desire to turn us into slaves, then they will certainly vote for a change. Too holy Theodosius of Constanta to be the ayatollah of Romania and everything will change. We will be released from the Internet, 5G, microchips, passports, vaccines...

Rosary and praises!

Let's not forget that after the flourishing ancient era followed the Middle Ages.

Until then, the escape will probably be in Tanzania!
I hope you were not upset that I have a different opinion from you, I take advantage of the time that is left until our mouths are closed.

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Sorry to hear about you and your wife, but I don't have this experience and that's why I have a whole different attitude. How does corona really manifests?

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The virus manifests itself differently on each person, depending primarily on how strong the body is (or not) and on the chronic diseases you have. Because my wife is heart failure, hypertension, the risk is high for severe complications. It was a very difficult ten days for her, but fortunately we managed to treat ourselves at home and avoid the disaster in the hospitals.
The symptoms are lack of strength, general body aches, lack of appetite, insomnia and even cerebral disorders, hallucinations, lack of understanding ... a panic that overwhelms you. Lack of smell and taste. Fear of hospital, intensive care ... before fear of death. Okay, we're over 67 years old, these are just the symptoms of being able to stay home. Worse than those hospitalized.

Young people, of course, get over the disease much easier, there are probably many who don't even know they had it ... but the risk exists, I know a few young people, men, who have died! Fast and unexpected. If we can accept that many of the elderly die mainly due to old diseases (but "helped" by covid) ... for the young it is serious.

Of course, in a totalitarian society, which provides the strong and healthy man, for evolution, progress and prosperity one can choose the Swedish version, escape who can, as in the evolution of species in nature. He would not have earned so much from certain corporations that produce protective materials and pharmaceuticals, but he would certainly have won funerals!

I am glad that today's human society has chosen solidarity, equal care for all regardless of age or health. Even if the costs are enormous and will certainly slow down the road to well-being, as for many it will be heavy losses. It is a difficult shock for humanity but it is not known if, in the long run, it cannot bring benefits.

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Sorry to hear that and hope you'll both get better. I still don't like the force with which the safety measures are imposed. There should be an individual choice and also more support from government rather than fines. If masks can protect people why don't they give free masks instead of fines?

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Of course, everyone is free to believe and act as they see fit. I believe that the law must be obeyed. From the Romans onwards it is a fundamental principle. Otherwise it can be dictatorship or anarchy.
Why don't we look at the traffic. I think there are many who believe that their freedom is violated if they are not allowed to drive in the opposite direction, to cross the red light ...

I hope that this situation ends as soon as possible and that we forget about these bad times.

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