How to grow your account on Leo and Hive

in LeoFinance3 years ago

sell sell sell


You'd think that this would be the smart play in this volatile market, wouldn't you? You see the prices drop and think to yourself, time to sell and take profits quickly. Crypto is an altogether different animal though and tribe tokens like Leo Finance even more so. The same goes for the parent token Hive. As we all know, you can earn more curation and interest the more tokens you possess, so for me, all that I want to do is grow my account more and more day to day, week to week and year to year.

When the masses are selling or at least it seems they are, re-double your efforts and keep earning. There are not too many other places where you can post centent about your interests, your musings, your photos and much much more and get rewarded for it.

Are you new?


So you venture onto the trending page after getting steered towards Hive by that geeky friend or quirky dude or that savvy investor that always seems to know the latest and greatest stock or investment. You're excited, you sign up and then you spend some time thinking about what to post or what to say. Eventually you get divine inspiration and you post your piece, happy in the knowledge that you've emptied your heart or your brain onto the blank screen in front of you. Then you wait. You think about getting onto the trending page and maybe making $100 from the post. Nothing. A day passes. Nothing. Another 2 days pass. You receive 3 votes, but the total value is $0.04. You put so much into the post but it seems and feels like you're invisble. Well, I suppose in some ways you are invisible. You see Hive is full of cool and generous people who love finding engaging and interesting new content, but they need to find you somehow. I'm going to offer sone advise on how to help them find you.

My advice when starting out

Here is some advise that's aimed at the noobs who are just landing here on Hive or Leo Finance, but I suppose it applies equally to us all.


1) Comment on people's posts

This one is the simplest and also the most important. The easiest way to grow here is to interact and what better way to do just that than to comment on peoples posts. Now be sure not to be the guy or gal who says things like:

great post

Well done

Follow for follow

These lazy few syllable comments will have the opposite effect to what you are after. Instead make engaging comments which show that you actually read the post and enjoyed it. You can agree, congratulate, question, whatever you like, but just be engaging and civil and mannerly of course. You may have noticed that about this community, trolls can't survive here and isnt that just wonderful!

2) Join discord and join some servers

Discord hosts hundreds of servers across a huge diversity of areas and it is a hotbed of creativity and community. It's a great place to hang out and meet fellow hivers, Leo heads and general Crypto heads.

Just sign up and have a look around and you'll quickly get the hang of things and get chatting to some really interesting people.

3) Keep on posting regularly

For me, my greatest success came when I started posting every day around 6 months ago. Even though, I started out here back in 2018, I went dormant for around 18 months and in hindsight had I stayed focused and disciplined, I'd be sitting on a nice little hive pile now, certainly 5 digit Hive power, but there you go.

So, don't be like me in those early days, wait it out, gain those followers, make those posts, and your account will soon take off.

4) keep the post quality high

Tempting and all as it is to take short cuts and simply publish a paragraph or a single photo, this will not attract followers or voters. In fact the opposite is true. These sort of posts will give you a bad reputation as a lazy poster, who is just after a quick buck.

Keep the quality high from day 1 instead and if you stick with it, you will eventually get the momentum that you deserve. The key here is patience, perseverance and hard honest work.

5) Never ever plagiarise

This one should have big bright lights on it with bells, whistles and massive explanation marks. Plagiarism will always eventually be caught here on our platform and it is difficult to come back from, as your trust worthiness is now non existant and people will see you as a cheater. Instead sit down and come up with your own content. Trust me, if you are patient and hard working, it will pay off and you'll see your account grow and prosper.

A door opener

Your knowledge will grow and grow here on Leo if you are interested in Crypto, stocks, investments and growing your net worth. Just remember to be patient, helpful and listen to the advice of others.


The images used throughout are not my own and the following are the sources:

Peace Out

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You did well with this, the beginning here can be very overwhelming on HIVE, the most important part is really to engage, to get interested, and as you say, it can't be generic, as it tends to trigger people, justifiably 😁

Great post


I really enjoyed this post and it was just what I needed since I just joined and am trying to figure this whole platform and community out. Your helpful tips came just in time as I was wondering just to grow my account. I will use your information and while I get to know and interact with the community I will put it into act. I look forward to checking out your other posts as well. Thanks again and take care.