Five Reasons why The Blockchain is superior to Bitcoin and is true digital gold - @abelardobravoh

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

Welcome back dear traders and investors!

It has always been commented on the representative value, both of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as well as their technology. Abundant experts and connoisseurs in the area of ​​computer science have bet much than words in tones to determine "the true digital gold", which transcends much more than the concept of BTC and revolves around the Blockchain, which is itself, the 3.0 technology that allows the existence of this whole new economic paradigm.

Image from the Internet belongs to Startupbootcamp

1. Financial and digital democracy:

In the past, investments were mainly controlled by capitalists (possessors of capital and the right to be economically superior), this provided the opportunity to opt for different economic means than the rest of the populations. The capitalists - without using this term in a pejorative sense - took advantage of the benefits of their capital, and under one of the mercantile formulas of the economic trinomial they are based on the fact that D = + D that is: Money is equal to more money.

Shortly after the houses and stock exchanges released access to all people to manage investments and inject economic amounts. This implied in the reality of many families of the time, since at last a democratization of the economic and capitalist system began to be seen. This is something very similar to the crypto system in the financial field, since one of the uses of Blockchain is to make democratic investments possible, as well as to divide the profits into fair and equitable parts in which everyone wins.

Thanks to Blockchain, not only mining is a palpable idea, but even the same transactions that occur during the day are real due to its technology. If Bitcoin is the mother of all virtual currencies, then Blockchain is the mother of the mother, ergo, it is the grandmother of cryptocurrencies.

2. Security:

The security of blockchain technology goes hand in hand with digital democracy. You can fool a wallet or a broker, but you can never fool the Blockchain; The idea of ​​doing so would influence having a number of miners greater than 70% of the international power in Ths and make the system think that they are not stealing. However, there is still 30% left that has not been cheated and it would be another problem to deduct. That is why hackers in particular are mostly dedicated to stealing specialized wallets, determined from very specific people. We are understanding then that the Blockchain itself is quite safe and with minimal probability of deception with alienated purposes or interests outside the collectives. However, the Blockchain is a secure, indecipherable, plausible and intelligent system; We are not commenting on a banking institution with private or own servers, it is a matrix with a universal brain distributed in the world with updateable data.

3. Intelligence:

We can clarify that unlike other technologies that seem "gross" or "simple" at first glance, the Blockchain hides a great depth of data, intelligence, protection, information and study. It is a system that learns from the transmission of data it receives, which together allows universal access to markets and their technology. It is not unusual that many banking platforms have started to use the Blockchain as a safeguard and projection system for interlaced and indecipherable data. The Blockchain updates its information, it knows what it knows, but it never stops learning.

4. Innovation:

This point goes hand in hand with the previous "intelligence and innovation". That is, what it entails on a technological, economic, human, social, positivist, systematic and pragmatic level. Innovation is what has marked the modern development of society (discarding the idea of ​​post modernity due to the logical lack in its epistemological basis) said innovation is the protagonist of the new times that are coming closer and closer, willing to change, the digital, financial and commercial revolution. With Blockchain technology we are not only talking about markets and cryptocurrencies, we could soon see said computing in programmed equipment such as telephones, computers, servers, televisions, instruments and much more (even, some of them already exist but with complete market acceptance ) such market acceptance has come with recent obstacles due to the problem that some do not understand it due to lack of research and others have not had the opportunity to adapt to it, since, for some generations, the leap and technological development is perhaps very compulsive , from web 1.0 to 2.0 and in less time, from 2.0 to 3.0. Although it has not yet been determined whether the name of technology 3.0 refers to the birth of the Blockchain. For some experts yes, for others, not yet, everyone has or will have their theories.

5. Multifaceted uses:

Let's say that crypto functions as a monetary, economic, commercial and capitalist system. But to say this about the Blockchain is to limit it, charm it and deny its productivity. Blockchain is more than just a technology, in the not so distant future it will be in almost everything, and it will be the heart of all programming. It is currently listed as one of the wonders and attractions of the Internet, as well as of computer architecture. From saving, exporting, sending, importing and attaching data in real time and interlaced with each other; to create informative backups of the moment. As a journalist I detect that this technology could make a seductively symbiotic process between the news and the network system, since its information, statistics and data capacity is what is currently needed; the idea of ​​surpassing conventional private servers by a universal encrypted and secure real-time system is even bigger and possible. In addition, the Blockchain could revolutionize from the internet itself, to the same daily life (work companies, national information, identity cards, passports ...)

There is still a wide and abundant path for Blockchain and Cryptocurrency technology. Remember that we are talking about the future, which we have begun to realize, that it is already among us. The future is today.

Thanks so much for reading.

Just remember:

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All content is original and belongs to @abelardobravoh

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The blockchain technology and BTC will be what the "discovery" of America was for the known world of those times (europe). A lot will change as the years goes by, but what we know if that its here to stay and improve how things are done!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thankful for your comment, I completely agree. Of course, there is still much to continue discovering and even more in the technological area, but it will be part of the forward-looking vision of innovation. The good thing is that we are all protagonists.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta