Welcome back dear traders and investors!
They have been days of considerable economic growth, applause to all those who at this moment are operating like bulls. For my part I have recently been analyzing introspective factors of the digital economy and the market to continue the work of publishing new, as well as great articles in the Leofinance column.
Today I have come to talk to you about three debatable reasons that undoubtedly condition the price of Bitcoin to a bullish significance starting from 57k to 60k in the next few hours.

1. The growth of the material and subjective value of Bitcoin as a financial bubble for the business or private economy
It is true that the economic chair is discussed in two non-parallel characters that theoretically confront each other on varying occasions. They are: the objectivity of the price / value of a product, work or need in the market and the subjective valuation or appreciation of the product, work or need. That is, on the one hand there is a critical focus with two polarities, one of them mainly focused on objectivity and the perception of the environment based on the economy (what is really happening) and the other that invites us to reflect more acute, psychological and positivist being taken as a consequence or effect of the social paradigm.
Example: I have a Bitcoin that approximately has an objective value in the market of 57k but in my consideration its subjective value is around or circulates around 100k.
Of course, this in the first instance can be nicknamed in different ways, call it expectation, abstraction, own ideologies. But the true truth -of the law- would consider that we are deepening the economic dualism between the objective and the subjective.
However, that within my psychology and expectation, the price or subjective valuation focuses on Bitcoin at a higher point and far from reality does not make it a new version of it, that is to say that my truth will be mostly refuted by the market, supply and demand, but this awakens a positive consciousness that operates in the form of a bull.
2. The frequent self-improvement of historical highs that condition the rise
The price of Bitcoin in recent days is in a process of economic self-improvement and self-improvement, this is a palpable demonstration of the capabilities that cryptocurrencies have on the financial market.
Since it expired the 20k we have entered a phase of new historical highs conditioned by the rise and its trajectory, we do not know how far it may or may not go, but it is worth mentioning and studying this new phase of Bitcoin that from time to time expires its own relevant economic.
3. The macroeconomic evolution of cryptocurrencies around modern society "post modern"
Before talking about this great and important factor, we must question the proposition of a "post modern" society, since social philosophy and history have not yet applauded the idea or construction of a post modernity. However, we continue in a state of simply "modernization" or modernity.
With regard to the ideology of cryptocurrencies from the macroeconomic perspective, we can understand a metaphysical embrace towards these new digital routes as instruments of payment, enrichment, development and savings.
On the one hand, the criticism of fiduciary decentralization that evokes a state of material insecurity vis-à-vis our capital or assets, however, decentralization itself is a point in favor of cryptocurrencies, since, in their own opinions, the fact that our Investment is gradually priced and recotized, providing an added value, as well as a monetary reward for the use of blockchain technology. Of course, this is a double-edged sword, because how can fractions or percentages be won based on the growth of some cryptocurrency, we can also lose it and it is at that point when the economic contradiction enters, because the economist's evil affects wanting always win, and insist on being a sore loser.
Just remember:
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All content is original and belongs to @abelardobravoh

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