MTG Baby!

in Magic The Gathering10 months ago

Hope all is well in the world of magic! I will be stepping back from posting for a while, and I've stepped back as a brewing team member for a competitive squad. I still love MTG, and will always be brewing snakes for the ladder. But sometimes you must put real life ahead of passions. I've started up an electrical company in Albert, so now finding spare time will be tough for the forseable future. This is all a good thing, and you will see me back here another day with that MTG spice 😉

Much love, may the top-deck odds forever be in your favor



Hey man, good luck in your endeavor. Some times real fucking life leaves us no leeway for the things we would rather be doing. But running a business, trying to make a better way for yourself in the have my admiration and respect.

But that MH3. Seen those spoilers? Looks awfully juicy.

In any case, and for real, best of luck man.


MH3 is shaping up to be my brothers new fav set hahaa. I havent seen it, but I've sure heard about it!