Talking about movies, I have seen and heard of a movies that is capable of moving they day light become night because of the level at the movie got my mind.. For some time now, I have been hearing about this movie titled far from home, but at first, I was originally thinking it would be an marvel action movie because I could remember they did a movie some times ago which was title far from home..
As time goes by, I realised that it was a different movie entirely. And then, I went in search of it and I realised it was not on the internet yet. I had to go in search of the trailer to see what was at stake. After watching the trailer, I realised that the trailer was not like watching the movie it self and then I kept anticipating to when the movie will be launched.. when the movies came out in the Dec 2022, almost at the end of the year.
This movies was directed by Catherine Stewart & Kayode Kasum.. I got to know about this movie from a friend who told me about this movie for some weeks ago.. when the movie came out initially, it came out on Netflix and I was in haste to watch but I could not because I have no money to pay to watch in the cinema nor netflix.. Later on, the movie came out to be downloaded, and my friend sent it to me after downloading...
About The Movie..
The movie far from home is about a young talented guy Ishaya, who is an artist and has an ambition to grow higher in every aspect of his career and he strive to ensure that he build up himself to stand up against the future.. He is very keen to get his own ambition and he is ready to go through any length to ensure he get everything he needs.. He got a life changing opportunity and went through a scholarship which he got chosen.. The more he strives go get through to his future, the more problems he has which ended up bringing chaos to him and his family..
It all started from the scholarship he won in the Wilmar academy which he had to lie got get and steal money to get his scholarship exam and then he has to use a fake certificate by forging his sisters certificate. Ishaya got into illegitimate businesses to just ensure he get enough money in his pocket to that he can meet up with his dream of becoming and International artist.
His father was also an artist and this is what he inhibited from his father but his mother was unhappy with his father because this made them lost their child at a tender age...
My Thought And Opinion..
This movie is a series movie which is very intriguing and Interesting that what one can just look away on or just ignore.. This movies is a season one and has 5 episodes at first in the first season, this movie was down with a high level of wisdom and has a very good construction. From the beginning to the end, you won't want to miss any scene and not even for the way the likes of oga Rambo, Ishaya, atlas and the rest acted in the movie..
For every movie lover that watch movie very much, they will find this movie very entertaining and my own opinion is for this movie to continue the way it has started and not just end where it stops because it is certain that this movie would have a Concluding part which I really look up to..
Ishaya is an artist who took after his father, in the process to also take after the legacy his father has postulated, he decided to settle in for a art scholarship abroad. Luck been on his side, he was picked but fortunately for him, there was no money for him to carry out this dream of his.. what can he do?? In his little thinking, he decided to do everything possible in his capacity to ensure get pursue his dream. He then decided to go enrol his sister for a scholarship exam but they never knew it wasn't free and they could not afford it because it was costly..
Ishaya set back out and get busy with series of job that he eventually stole from his boss to ensure he was a le to meet up with the deadline.. After getting the money, he told his sister to go for the exam but she refused because she was not sure about how his brother got the money. Ishaya has no other choice than to go impersonate his sister for the exam..
After he had impersonated he won the scholarship exam with the help of his boss where he was doing a cleaning duty.. After he had gained his access into the school, alot of mischief started showing up and he had to face it if he truly want to retain his own quality as a real student of Wilmar academy and also remain pure..
This movie makes a lot of sense and give a real meaning to it. This movie has some amazing cast which would tell you how the movie would be even before you start watching it at all. This movie was made life with huge some of money to ensure that advance tools are used to shoot the movie and to give it a world class feel.. Rating this movie, I would give it an 8/10 reason is, they are just starting and you can't predict what can later happen along the line... I hope you all have fun watching this movie...
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