A Good Girl's Guide to Murder --- Enjoyably Intruiging! :)

It's been a while since I posted my opinion on a movie or series. Well, I haven't really watched a lot recently aside from animated ones.

However, last week, I watched the latest season of Umbrella Academy (which was quite satisfying) and after it ended, Netflix recommended a certain series which got me curious, so I decided to watch it.

The series I'm talking about is entitled, "A Good Girl's Guide to Murder".


The story revolves around a teenager named Pip. When she was still in elementary school, a certain incident happened in their area. A popular high school senior named Andie was said to be murdered by her boyfriend Sal who later on ended his own life.

It was the talk of the town for a while and the case was considered close. Fast forward five years later, Pip, who was not convinced with the result of the case took matters into her own hands.


Where would this investigation take her... and how would it affect her life? If you're curious, feel free to watch it on Netflix.


The trailer above was the reason why I decided to watch this series. It's pretty intriguing for someone like me who wanted a dose of mystery... and it didn't disappoint.

It was quite impressive for an amateur like Pip to come up with clues that even the authorities missed in the initial investigation. I felt some "Nancy Drew" vibes from this main character and I was such a fan back in the days, so watching this series was nostalgic for me. She's overly curious and a bit nosy, but entertaining to watch. It made me want to read the book. (Yes, this series is based on a novel by Holly Jackson.)


I love stories with plot twists, and this series gave me that. I got what I wanted and more. The series is also quite short with just six episodes, each lasts for around 45 minutes. I watched it in one sitting... (well, I was sick last week, and this was among my remedy).

It might not be the best mystery series I've watched, but it was enjoyably intriguing and satisfying... I like the main character. She's a bit frustrating to watch, but also pretty refreshing. She's smart, stubborn but with a great sense and compassion.

If you're into mystery and plot twists, I hope you give this series a shot. Thanks for reading and see you around! (^^,)/


Knowing that you love plot twists and such murder stories I would recommend a new series on Netflix The Frog I just finished it yesterday, and I think you will like it too.
Sending Love and Ecency Curation Vote!

Ohh... thanks for the recommendation. Will check it out on my day off. :)

At first glance I thought it's Raiza Cenon

Yeah.. that's true.. especially during her Starstruck days.

I do love plot twists and I have the book that this movie comes from in my e-library. So I'm sure I'll enjoy it.😉

I hope so... :)
Thanks for dropping by! ^^

You're welcome. Have a pleasant day.🌺

Have a great one, too! ^^

I like that the series has unexpected twists, that always keeps the attention! I hope you feel better soon and that you continue discovering more series that hook you. Thanks for sharing your opinion! 😊📺

That's true... Plot twists are more than welcome... Thanks for dropping by... 😎✨