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RE: Don't Look Up, a movie with a simple message but with divided opinion. —eng/esps.

in Movies & TV Shows10 months ago

Ah, it's just that technically Ron Pearlman's character is like that, overacted as an old senile man who spends his time insulting and shooting. By specialized criticism I mean people who work in that, who even give them tickets to watch the movie and then criticize it, that's what I mean. As for the movie you're talking about, no idea, I don't think I've seen it, but I'll take a look.

Ah, es que técnicamente el personaje de Ron Pearlman es así, sobre actuado siendo un viejo senil que se la pasa insultando y disparando. Con crítica especializada me refiero a las personas que trabajan de eso, que hasta les regalan las entradas para que vean la película y luego la critiquen, a eso me refiero. En cuanto a la película que hablas, ni idea, no creo que la haya visto, pero le echaré un ojo.