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Lo siento, fanático de Seinfeld o de Friend, vengo a bajarte de tu nube, tus series no son las mejores de todos los tiempos y nunca lo serán mientras esta exista. He de admitirlo, la revelación que les vengo a contar a continuación se me ocurrió cuando estaba a punto de dormir, era un pensamiento que no podía sacarme de la cabeza y que obviamente tenía que compartir con el mundo pero he de aclarar, que donde más flaquea mi conocimiento es en series y en películas live action, aunque creo que sé reconocer algo bueno cuando lo ven mis ojos, tengo un criterio de calidad muy alto cuando veo algo, muchos hasta me podrían considerar un excéntrico con mis gustos pero luego no los veo quejarse cuando les recomiendo alguna cosa y les encanta. Sin embargo, con Drake & Josh, tuve que asegurarme muy bien ya que era una serie que había visto de niño y podía estar sesgado con mis recuerdos del pasado, con un revisionado que se me hizo muy ameno y rápido, ya un sentido crítico adulto, puedo decir al día de hoy, que es de las mejores series jamás hechas, el creador aunque sea un depravado con una afición muy grande a los pies, se lució con esto. También podría asegurar que después de este punto tan álgido en el que se llegó en Nickelodeon, solo podían ir cuesta abajo. Así que sin más dilación, hablemos un poco acerca de la mejor sitcom de la historia.
I'm sorry, Seinfeld or Friend fan, I'm here to take you down from your cloud, your shows are not the best of all time and they will never be as long as this one exists. I have to admit, the revelation that I'm going to tell you next came to me when I was about to go to sleep, it was a thought that I couldn't get out of my head and that obviously I had to share with the world but I have to clarify, where my knowledge is weakest is in series and in live action movies, although I think I know how to recognize something good when I see it with my own eyes, I have a very high quality criterion when I see something, many could even consider me eccentric with my tastes but then I don't see them complaining when I recommend something and they love it. However, with Drake & Josh, I had to make sure very well because it was a series that I had seen as a child and I could be biased with my memories of the past, with a revision that was very pleasant and fast for me, already with an adult critical sense, I can say today, that it is one of the best series ever made, the creator even though he is a depraved with a very big foot fetish, he shone with this. I could also say that after this very high point that was reached in Nickelodeon, they could only go downhill from there. So without further ado, let's talk a little bit about the best sitcom in history.

Drake & Josh nos narran las aventuras y desventuras de Drake Parker y Josh Nichols, en San Diego, California, quienes pasan de un momento a otro de no conocerse a ser una de las familias más realistas y queridas en series de TV, aunque quizás esto último me lo esté inventando porque al principio no tuvieron mucho reconocimiento. Drake es conocido fácilmente por ser el guaperas de su escuela, pudiendo conseguir a la chica que quiera, incluso todo le sale bien sin siquiera intentarlo, además de ser el vocalista de su propia banda de rock, Josh en cambio es conocido por ser un poco nerd bastante enfocado en sus estudios, lo que le molesta a Drake, además de tener una particularidad un poco rara de hacer énfasis en ciertas palabras, como pueden ver son polos totalmente opuestos pero que en las situaciones presentadas muy bien se complementan de forma magistral. El otro personaje que podemos encontrar es Megan, que hace de antagonista en algunos episodios haciéndoles la vida imposible a sus hermanos aunque en el fondo se nota que los quiere. Los últimos integrantes de la familia son Audrey Parker, haciendo de la mamá de los muchachos y Walter Nichols haciendo de papá y además trabajando como el señor del tiempo en las noticias.
Drake & Josh tells the story of Drake Parker and Josh Nichols, in San Diego, California, who go from one moment to the next of not knowing each other to being one of the most realistic and beloved TV families, although perhaps the latter I'm making it up because at the beginning they didn't have much recognition. Drake is easily known for being the hottie of his school, being able to get the girl he wants, everything goes well for him without even trying, in addition to being the singer of his own rock band, Josh on the other hand is known for being a bit of a nerd quite focused on his studies, which Drake doesn't like, in addition to having a peculiarity a bit strange of emphasizing certain words, as you can see they are totally opposite poles but in the situations presented they complement each other very well. The other character we can find is Megan, who plays the antagonist in some episodes making their lives impossible for their brothers although in the background it is seen that she loves them. The last members of the family are Audrey Parker, playing the boys' mother and Walter Nichols playing their father and also working as the man of the hour on the news.

Estamos ante una serie que puede ser vista antes ambos jóvenes y adultos, las situaciones que se presentan son divertidísimas y dejan enseñanzas que pueden ser aplicadas en algún momento en la realidad. En lo que más destaca y en la que se recurre la mayor parte del tiempo es en la importancia de la hermandad y de la familia, además de enseñarnos a reconocer nuestros errores si en algún momento hacemos algo mal, saber disculparse es algo que no mucha gente sabe hacer. Los chistes son simplemente magníficos, no pude encontrar alguno que fuera malo o cringe, siendo en la primera temporada bastantes suaves y siendo en las últimas de lo más estrafalario, comienzan con Josh no sabiendo dar consejos si no está vestido como mujer a salvar un chimpancé de un tipo que come monos o detener una mafia que se dedica a la impresión de billetes falsos, es un absurdismo que simplemente gusta demasiado. También se puede observar un claro desarrollo de personajes, al principio Drake y Josh no se llevan tan bien pero culminando la serie se puede ver el verdadero aprecio que se tienen el uno al otro, siendo representado fácilmente de forma icónica con el clásico: ¡ABRÁZAME HERMANO!. Se podría decir que era como ver una familia real y eso es lo que te hacía seguir viendo, cómo se afrontaban a situaciones extrañas era un plus.
We are before a series that can be seen before both young and adults, the situations that are presented are very funny and leave teachings that can be applied at some point in reality. In what stands out the most and in which the majority of the time is used is in the importance of brotherhood and family, in addition to teaching us to recognize our mistakes if at any time we do something wrong, knowing how to apologize is something that not many people know how to do. The jokes are simply magnificent, I could not find any that was bad or cringe, being in the first season quite soft and being in the most outlandish in the last ones, they begin with Josh not knowing how to give advice if he is not dressed as a woman to save a chimpanzee from a type that eats monkeys or stop a mafia that is dedicated to the printing of false bills, it is an absurdism that simply likes too much. You can also observe a clear development of characters, at the beginning Drake and Josh are not so well but at the end of the series you can see the true appreciation they have for each other, being represented easily in an iconic way with the classic: HUG ME BROTHER!. You could say it was like watching a real family and that's what made you keep watching, how they faced strange situations was an added bonus.

Una de los mejores episodios que pude ver en televisión es cuando a Drake admite que no es nada sin Josh o cuando Drake y Josh dan la llaves de su casa a un supuesto programa de remodelación y terminan siendo robados en su totalidad. Puedo decir con facilidad que recuerdo todos y cada uno de los capítulos de esta serie, en su tiempo era muy fanático y la veía todo el tiempo, ya sea durante el almuerzo con mi familia o con mi hermano en mi cuarto la otra parte del tiempo. Me apena mucho el rumbo que los actores tomaron y que nunca hayan sido recompensados por su trabajo, ellos no ven regalías como otros actores de otros shows, las ganancias que tuvieron solo fueron las del comienzo, cuando les pagaban por temporada, además hay que tener en cuenta que el éxito a Drake & Josh le llegó mucho tiempo después, con las retransmisiones que se le hacían, después de eso de verdad pudieron considerarse como estrellas. Actualmente es una joya totalmente disfrutable que cualquier persona que no la haya visto, debería ver alguna vez en su vida. Es la mejor sitcom juvenil jamás hecha y eso hay que reconocerlo, Kenan & Kel fue el prototipo y esto fue simplemente la versión superior y mejorada.
One of the best episodes I've ever seen on television is when Drake admits that he's nothing without Josh or when Drake and Josh give their keys to a supposed remodeling program and end up being robbed in their entirety. I can easily say that I remember every single episode of this series, at the time I was a huge fan and I watched it all the time, either during lunch with my family or with my brother in my room the other part of the time. I'm really sorry about the direction the actors took and that they were never rewarded for their work, they don't see royalties like other actors from other shows, the earnings they had were only from the beginning, when they were paid per season, and you have to keep in mind that the success to Drake & Josh came a long time after, with the reruns that were made of it, after that they could really consider themselves as stars. Currently it's a totally enjoyable jewel that anyone who hasn't seen it should watch at least once in their life. It's the best juvenile sitcom ever made and that has to be recognized, Kenan & Kel was the prototype and this was simply the superior and improved version.
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Drake & Josh is great, when I was a kid I always watched it, I still occasionally watch a few episodes and it gets a chuckle out of me, apart from being a pretty good sitcom, nostalgia also plays a big part in our love for this show! Hehehe
Salu2 😎
I think it's the only TV series I've ever watched in its entirety, I watched it every day no matter if the episode was repeated, I couldn't get enough of it.
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Had tons of fun watching this as a kid
The best of the best.
Man, Drake and Josh came on Nickelodeon, the series was amazing, did you get to see Zeke and Luther? at the time they were better series, but Drake and Josh was very funny, the comedy for back then was exceptional in this series.
Zeke and Luther I got to see but not that much, I didn't watch that much Disney XD and when I did watch it every day they only showed Kick Buttowski.
Hell yeah I loved drake & josh
Me too.