For a while, I had taken a break from Movie Reviews, due to this I had found it hard to come back to make movie reviews. Today, I said to myself; I must make a review of this awesome movie I watched last week on a Movie Night in my church which is titled; THE FIGHTING PREACHER.

For this review, I would try my best not to put out too many spoilers while I express the thoughts and feelings I have regarding this movie.

Durante un tiempo, me he tomado un descanso de las críticas de películas, debido a esto me ha resultado difícil volver a hacer críticas de películas. Hoy, me dije que debo hacer una crítica de esta impresionante película que vi la semana pasada en una noche de cine en mi iglesia que se titula; El predicador luchador.

Para esta reseña, haré lo posible por no poner demasiados spoilers mientras expreso los pensamientos y sentimientos que tengo con respecto a esta película.



The movie was Directed and Produced by T.C. Christensen; Ron Tanner which tells about a couple, Willard Bean and Rebecca arriving in a town not happy about their arrival, and making every means to get the pack back to where they came from.

They are bent on fighting back or showing love to their neighbors to see the good people in them.

The Movie has a setting of that in the 90s because it is telling the true-life story back in those times although it was released in the year 2019 which was about 3 years ago.


The movie started with Willian Bean, who is a boxer and middleweight champion, called upon by the church for a mission after he had recently married his new bride. They were called upon to visit Palmyra, a city in which there is great hatred for Mormon believers.

They were sent to the city (principally for five years) to change the view of the people and to help them see a better view of who the Mormon people are, but on getting there, they found that the hatred was still as strong as it had been for the past 80 years.

Willard Bean and his wife tried a lot of effort to get accepted by the people of Palmyra, but even after 6 years of being in the town, they were still hated. Their daughter faced a lot of hate from her teacher and classmates. Imagine having no one who wants to play with you, or your teacher not liking you because of the family you come from. The girl was far too young for such animosity toward her.

But soon after, Willard and his wife figured out that the best way they could get to be accepted by the people was not by fighting back with them but by showing love to the people.

Now, the question is, would this plan be good enough to get them accepted, or would it lead the family to an early grave because of the hate the town has for them?

La película fue dirigida y producida por T.C. Christensen; Ron Tanner que cuenta la llegada de una pareja, Willard Bean y Rebecca, a un pueblo que no está contento con su llegada, y hace todo lo posible para que vuelvan a hacer las maletas a su lugar de origen.

Se debaten entre defenderse o mostrar amor a sus vecinos para ver la buena gente que hay en ellos.

La Película tiene una ambientación de la de los años 90 porque está contando la historia de la vida real en esos tiempos aunque se estrenó en el año 2019 que fue hace unos 3 años.


La película comenzó con Willian Bean que es un boxeador y campeón de peso medio llamado por la Iglesia para una misión después de haberse casado recientemente con su nueva novia. Fueron llamados a visitar Palmira; una ciudad en la que existe un gran odio hacia los creyentes mormones.

Fueron enviados a la ciudad (principalmente por una duración de cinco años) para cambiar el punto de vista de la gente y ayudarles a ver una mejor visión de quiénes son los mormones, pero al llegar allí, encontraron que el odio seguía siendo tan fuerte como lo había sido durante los últimos 80 años.

Willard Bean y su esposa hicieron muchos esfuerzos para ser aceptados por la gente de Palmyra, pero incluso después de 6 años de estar en el pueblo, todavía eran odiados. Su hija se enfrentó a mucho odio por parte de su profesor y sus compañeros de clase. Imagínate que nadie quiera jugar contigo, o que a tu profesor no le gustes por la familia de la que procedes. La niña era demasiado pequeña para ese tipo de odio hacia ella.

Pero poco después, Willard y su mujer se dieron cuenta de que la mejor manera de conseguir ser aceptados por la gente no es contraatacando con ellos, sino mostrando amor a la gente.

Ahora, la pregunta es si este plan será lo suficientemente bueno como para que los acepten o si llevará a la familia a su temprana tumba por el odio que el pueblo les tiene.



Actor name: David McConnel

Meet David McConnel who acted as Willard Bean in the movie. I love this character because he was quite funny, and made no hesitation to use his fist to serve punches to those town men that came by running their mouths at it.

The character has quite a temper yet, still knows how to hold them down. For someone like him who is a Boxer, it would not be great to fight everyone in the town. He would beat up their ass 😅😅

Te presento a David McConnel, que actuó como Willard Bean en la película. Realmente me encanta este personaje porque era bastante divertido, y no dudaba en usar su puño para servir puñetazos a los hombres del pueblo que se acercaban corriendo la boca a él.

El personaje tiene bastante temperamento, pero aún así, sabe cómo contenerlos. Para alguien como él, que es boxeador, no sería genial pelear con todos los del pueblo. Definitivamente les daría una paliza 😅😅.

Actor name: Cassidy Hubert

Cassidy Hubert acted as the wife of Willard Bean, Rebecca Bean. She is a very sweet lady who is supportive of her husband. Without the help of this woman, I don't think Willard Bean would have had much patience to stay strong in such a hostile community.

I liked her because she gave her husband good advice. While watching, I was like "Awww, I should just have a supportive wife like her in the future."

Cassidy Hubert actuó como la esposa de Willard Bean, Rebecca Bean. Es una mujer muy dulce que apoya a su marido. Sin la ayuda de esta mujer, no creo que Willard Bean hubiera tenido mucha paciencia para mantenerse fuerte en una comunidad tan hostil.

Me gustó mucho por el hecho de que le diera buen

os consejos a su marido. Mientras la veía, me decía: "Awww, debería tener una esposa que me apoye como ella en el futuro".

Actor name: Scarlet Hazen

Meet the cute Scarlet Hazen, she acted as the daughter of Willard and Rebecca Bean. She was born while her parents were in Palmyra. For that reason, her parent named her after the town's name; Palmyra.

Conoce a la simpática Scarlet Hazen, que actuó como hija de Willard y Rebecca Bean. Nació cuando sus padres estaban en Palmyra. Por esa razón, sus padres la llamaron como el nombre de la ciudad; Palmyra.


I did like this movie, it is the kind that can be watched with family and friends. I would encourage watching it with your children because it is educative and teaches one about love and living with people who may not like us. To some point, I felt emotional because the story was touching.

What makes this movie interesting is the comedy fill in it. I enjoyed watching it because I watched it with a lot of people in a cinema setting, so it was very interesting.

If you may think that it is an action movie because of the movie thumbnail, it is less of an action movie but yet there are some fighting scenes included.

Before I checked the rating on IMDb, I rated it 6/10 but when I checked out the rating I saw it is rated 5.8/10.0.


Esta película sí me gustó, es de las que se pueden ver en familia y con amigos. Yo animaría a verla con tus hijos porque es educativa y enseña a uno sobre el amor y la convivencia con personas que pueden no gustarnos. Hasta cierto punto, me he emocionado porque la historia es conmovedora.

Lo que hace que esta película sea interesante es el relleno de comedia que tiene. Disfruté viéndola porque la vi con mucha gente en un ambiente de cine, así que fue muy interesante.

Si se piensa que es una película de acción por la imagen de la película, es menos de una película de acción, pero hay algunas escenas de lucha incluidas.

Antes de comprobar la calificación en IMDb, yo personalmente la calificaba como 6/10 pero cuando comprobé la calificación vi que está calificada como 5,8/10,0.



Starstrings01 AKA Giftedhands is a Hive lover, a Nigeria musician (Guitarist), and also a student who studies Mechatronics Engineering at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.

His goal on Hive is to be more than a regular blogger but something more; someone with a purpose. That’s one of the reasons why he founded the newbies initiative @newbies-hive to help guide and support newbies. Kindly click here to follow the @newbies-hive curation trail.

He battles and struggles with balancing education and being active on the chain but yet his love and passion for Hive keep him on balance.

All images are mine except indicated otherwise






Honestly this movie is a must watch.i haven't seen it but your review really triggered me to watch it. Nice one @starstrings01. Off to see it lol

Smiles.. I would love to hear your reviews after watching it 😅

Imagine going to preach the gospel to people and then beating the shit out of them 😄😄

Lol.. aswear 😅😂... That's the definition!

Wow .....well am kinda interested in the movie now

Smiles, you should check it out

And I might just will

Now I wanna know how it ends. We’re they killed? Did they manage to change the people’s faith? Or did they deny their own faith to live in peace for the time being?

I’m adding this to my movie list, seems really interesting.
Great review!

Exactly, I love that you added those questions to it.. the only way to know the answer is by watching the movie.

Surely. But when I do and it doesn't end well, I'm coming for you like Willard bean in the movie 🤺

Smiles, I never said it would have a good ending 😅😂.. by the way you can't see me as Johncena says

😂😂😂 leave here

I'd definitely download it tonight. Sounds like a good one

The fighting preacher really is a fantastic movie to watch 😍. When I watched it I was blown away by the patience pastor Mormon had even though he’s a fighter lol . Reaching someone whom you know that some blessings would transform their life can be a relay challenging task but in the end the perseverance pave through❤️

This movie sounds really interesting and educating. The Little girl must have passed through a lot. The people don't even care that she was just a child but still treated her in such ill-manner.

I think I need to see this movie, it looks like my type of movie, thank you so much for sharing 🥰.