For me Batman is a franchise that has lost its way a bit. The simple fact that they don't keep a fixed character shows instability. However, it never fails to entertain, although in this installment it is very different from the previous ones.
they probably keep doing trilogy after trilogy and reboot but this time might be different involving the movies with tv series, lets see how that plays out
This was by far my least favorite Batman. I didn't like the actor they chose for Batman and was mostly bored when watching it. I don't even remember what the plot was. Batman has been a very uneven franchise. I think the first is still my favorite. Can't beat Jack Nicholson as the Joker.
I thought it was ok and could lead to good things if they can integrate it into other DC projects that are going on such as Penguin. One thing that I didn't like though was that the new Batman is actually a pretty small person.
For me Batman is a franchise that has lost its way a bit. The simple fact that they don't keep a fixed character shows instability. However, it never fails to entertain, although in this installment it is very different from the previous ones.
they probably keep doing trilogy after trilogy and reboot but this time might be different involving the movies with tv series, lets see how that plays out
This was by far my least favorite Batman. I didn't like the actor they chose for Batman and was mostly bored when watching it. I don't even remember what the plot was. Batman has been a very uneven franchise. I think the first is still my favorite. Can't beat Jack Nicholson as the Joker.
Pattinson is grear but he seems thinner than Bale and smaller than Afleck, for me The Dark Knight is the best one ✌️
I thought it was ok and could lead to good things if they can integrate it into other DC projects that are going on such as Penguin. One thing that I didn't like though was that the new Batman is actually a pretty small person.
yeah seems like a trend because the new superman is also smaller and thiner like they are going with this slim fit trend jajjaja
it's probably a body positivity movement. Just because you are really small doesn't mean you can't be a super-hero!
!tipu curate