A show that won my heart: Dae Jang Geum

in Movies & TV Shows11 months ago

You must be wondering why a review is being written of a show that was aired in the 2000s. The reason is this show is so good, that even after 20 years, I am watching it again. It makes me write this piece down.

Dae Jang Geum is a period drama about a lady known as Jang Geum, set in Joseon Dynasty which is 15th Century Korea. She (Lee Young Ae in the show) rises from the lowest level of the class to become the first physician to serve King. It is a globally critically acclaimed drama.

She resolves medical issues of the people around her by diet. The story shows us the tough journey of her becoming a physician and winning her love Min Jung Ho (Ji Jin Hee in the show) in the process.

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Jang Geum with Min Jung Ho from the show, courtesy Google

Her journey starts with her being a child, growing up in the poorest of conditions. She has faced many hardships since being a child. She strives to live differently from her parents and has clashes with them. She then grows up and learns that she cannot do certain things because of her lower class. However, she manages to enter Royal Court but then she fights with other conspirators who are intending to harm her and her mentor (Yang Mi Kyeong in the show).

In the Royal Court, she must fight with the main antagonist Lady Choi (Kyeon Mi Ri in the show), who is upset with Jang Geum getting praise each time an event occurs. The antagonists play unfairly to get rid of Jang Geum every time. Even when she and her mentor were banished to Jeju Island and she loses her sense of taste, she manages to come back and defeat them. She gets back what she rightfully deserves.

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Jang Geum with her rival, Lady Choi, courtesy MBC

She not only survives, but also makes a name for herself, earning the title Dae Jang Geum (The Great Dae Jang Geum).

Jang Geum throughout the story says principled, up right, is grateful and has never give up attitude.

The story has its own moments and at times it makes you happy, sad or anything. The point is that this story makes you feel. It leaves an impact. Beautifully done and presented, it is the chef’s kiss.

Especially when her mentor dies, I was crying along with her. She was the only one who Jang Geum treated as her teacher, friend, and family in the Royal Palace. It was like she lost her mother. It also drives inspiration within when I see Jang Geum not giving up despite impossible situations she faced.

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Jang Geum carrying her mentor Lady Han in the show in her final moments, courtesy MBC

When she gets support from the male lead, it is wholesome to watch there is one more person for her who would stay with her no matter what.

The cast is perfect, both the main characters gave great performances. The antagonists matched with the wavelength as well. The story was well written, although fictional, the plot was well executed. The costumes and music perfectly matched the ambience. I still hum Onara sometimes.

Do not let the number of episodes bog you down! I guarantee all episodes will keep you glued to your chair.

The quality of the frames in the show may not be good as today’s (since it was aired in 2000s).

I love watching this journey. Dae Jang Geum is not just a show for me. It is one of the few happier memories I have in my life. This show won my heart over several times. I gradually got attached to it and she became my role model.

Life must have been hard for her, but she fought back every time someone pushed her down. I looked up to Dae Jang Geum. She inspires you to do something even when it is impossible to achieve. Even as she loses the sense of taste, she keeps herself motivated and works on bringing it back. Although I know this is fictional, I like to believe that miracles happen.

This show also shows that cooking is art. You will be amazed by how each time she comes up with a new dish. Imagine having so many ingredients beside you and you are so creative that you can bring up so many dishes at once. Dae Jang Geum was deep into this study. She had magic in her hands.

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One of the many dishes from show, courtesy MBC

The love both the main characters have for each other is marvelously shown as well. While the male lead is supportive, caring and inspires her, she perseveres so that she can be united with him in the end. Although it was her fight alone, he still waited for her. Such love is rare these days.

She is still one of my role models. I know this is fictional, but she gives me hope, inspires me to be better and more hardworking and never gives up things you want to do. This show has so many life lessons that we can think of.

Let me know if you have seen this show and what you think of it. Your views are appreciated!

Disclaimer: All the images have their sources cited.


Honestly I've never watched the full show but to most of Filos who love Kdramas so much this was one of the phenomenal Kseries ever to grace one of the big networks in the Philippines. I mean, who could ever forget Lady Choi's effective acting as the main antagonist of the show? Lol. I still can imagine how her nose would flare up everytime the situation is in favor of the Great Jang Geum. That was hilarious, in fact.

Thank you for reliving your memory of this amazing show. I hope to read more from you.

Thank you!

Yes it is still phenomenal in India as well. I doubt we will get another series like this.

Yes Lady Choi played her character well haha