After Batman's entry into The Dark Knight Rises, when police began pursuing him, the whole scene was shot in the famous city of Chicago. And the people of Chicago at the time were so scared to see so many police cars, tanks, and expensive things that they all started calling the police on 911 and they wanted to know what really happened, and later they found out that it was Christopher Nolan directing a movie.🔥
Today we want to know 15 such impressive facts about The Dark Knight Trilogy. Everything is surprising, so don't miss 1, but the last one is the most interesting !!!🎬🎬🎬
❶ The most interesting character in The Dark Knight was the Joker, played by Heath Ledger, but those who don't know will be surprised to know that Heath Ledger died six months before the release of The Dark Knight movie. But he's done his role completely, so Christopher Nolan had no problem completing the Dark Knight movie. Heath Ledger died on January 22, 2008, and The Dark Knight was released on July 14, 2008.
❷ Heath Ledger took 2 months just to learn the smile of the Joker character
❸ I remember how Batman, Harvey, and Rachel killed the Joker inside the prison to find out where they are. To make that killing scene more realistic, Joker actor Heath Ledger actually told Batman actor Christian Belle to beat him up, and all that Batman did to Joker inside the prison was true.
❹ Christopher Nolan auditioned eight people to find Batman's hero and there was also a Superman actor. All the judges at the audition thought that Christopher Nolan would choose the actor of Superman, but incredibly Christopher Nolan was more attracted to Christian Bell and selected him for Batman.
❺ Christian Bell weighed a little less to act as the first Batman character, so Christopher Nolan asked him to increase his weight to be perfect for Batman, but he gained so much weight that he had to control his diet again and lose weight to be perfect for Batman again. 😀

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❻ After the bomb blast in the hospital, when there was a scene of a bomb blast in the street, there was talk that the hospital would be blasted once the button was pressed. But as seen in the movie, the bomb explodes after the Joker presses the button a few times, at first it was thought to be cut, but as it is more beautiful, it is kept in the movie.
❼It takes about 1 year to make Batman tank.
❽ The Joker was supposed to be in The Dark Knight Rises (since this is the last movie in the series), but he was not seen due to the death of Heath Ledger.
❾ The main character of The Dark Knight we call either Batman or Joker. But when Nolan was asked this question, he answered Harvey Dent
❿ The Dark Knight is the first comic book movie to win an Oscar

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❶❶ Gordon was not supposed to give the applause given by the Joker after he became the commissioner, but it was added to the movie as it enhanced the character of the Joker.
❶❷ Katie Holmes, Katie Holmes' sister Maggie Jillenhadi was later taken to The Dark Knight because Batman Begins actress Katie Holmes didn't want to go ahead with the series. 😌
❶❸ Batman's suit is a combination of 200 pieces
❶❹ Hulk's actor Mark was first taken for Harvey Dent, but later Nolan dropped him.
❶❺ And the latest and most interesting and interesting fact is that even though Batman died in the Dark Knight Rises, the autopilot system was already in place and after seeing Bruce at the Alfred Hotel, many are confused as to whether Batman is really dead When Batman asked actor Bele about this, he said, "My common sense is that Batman is still chosen." This means that if one wants to go ahead with the Dark Knight series, he can, but for that, he has to buy the series from Nolan.
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