Major Grom: Plague Doctor The Duality of a Villain

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The world of super heroes has evolved to complex plots beautifully written and the current world thanks to the power of computers allows linking the cinema with these stories, now what I do not understand is why they are not allowed to flourish and remain atrophied as if they were children's stories when they have already shown that they transcend to great levels of philosophical conflict of morality and justice where I lean more to the actions of the villains and the appeal of their darkness.

Major Grom: Plague Doctor is a Russian Super Heroes film that I consider to be enclosed in the commercial of this genre, this is not bad because I consider it develops well in the constant attributes of this genre, it can be seen in family and it is what I recommend the most for its teaching of justice and fun to bequeath to the little ones.

Now the best of the film is its Super Villain, just look at the image, he has style, gadgets and a name of power with a plan in which I consider he comes out successful because he manages to bring out the worst in society, if there is a dangerous border between Peace and War because to get one, you need the other, the same applies for justice.

Something that I want as a constant consumer, addicted to this world of super heroes is that the muscles, sensuality, voluptuousness and beauty of the characters are respected because the comics are like that, they are muscles and more muscles, curves and more curves with Olympic sculptural bodies and sexy exotic beauties, the girl who accompanies the protagonist, I see the above in her, she is a hottie that Russian woman, I really liked her physique, her aesthetics, her face, her body and those are things I want to see as she maintains comic book woman precision.

A film that you can enjoy on Netflix, it has two powerful attractions, it is a Russian film that will not clash at all culturally with you because I see it as a very American product and the villain. In the video you will hear an extension of what I just wrote and I hope you are encouraged to see this good Super Heroes film, i saw it thanks to the recommendation fo the good boy @namiks.

El mundo de súper héroes ha evolucionado a tramas complejas preciosamente escritas y el mundo actual gracias al poder de las computadoras permite enlazar el cine con esas historias, ahora lo que no entiendo es el por que no se les deja florecer y permanecen atrofiadas como si fueran historias infantiles cuando ya han demostrado que trascienden a grandes niveles de conflicto filosófico de moral y justicia en donde me inclino mas por el actuar de los villanos y el atractivo de su oscuridad.

Major Grom: Plague Doctor es un film Ruso de Súper Héroes que considero se encierra en lo comercial de este genero, esto no es malo porque considero lo desarrollo bien en los atributos constantes de este genero, se puede ver en familia y es lo que mas recomiendo para que su enseñanza de justicia y diversión lleguen a los pequeños.

Ahora lo mejor del film es su Súper Villano, solo miren la imagen, tiene estilo, gadgets y un nombre de poder con un plan en él que considero el sale exitoso porque logra sacar lo peor de la sociedad, si hay una frontera peligrosa entre La Paz y La Guerra porque para conseguir una, necesitas la otra, lo mismo aplica para la justicia.

Algo que quiero como consumidor constante, adicto de este mundo de súper héroes es que se respete los músculos, la sensualidad, la voluptuosidad y belleza de personajes porque los comics son así, son músculos y mas musculas, curvas y mas curvas con cuerpos olímpicos esculturales y bellezas exóticas sexys, la muchacha que compaña al protagonista, veo lo anterior en ella, es un bombón esa mujer Rusa, me gusto mucho su físico, su estética, su rostro, su cuerpo y esas son cosas que quiero ver ya que ella mantiene precisión de mujer comic.

Un film que pueden disfrutar en Netflix, tiene dos atractivos potentes, es un film Ruso que no chocara para nada culturalmente con ustedes porque lo veo como un producto muy americano y el villano. En el video escucharan una extensión de lo que acabo de escribir y espero se animen a ver este buen film de Súper Héroes, lo vi gracias a la recomendación del buen muchachon namiks.

I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.



Dr Plague Purging The Streets, Source of Image



Source of Image Edited with Paint


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 6 months ago  

What a coincidence! Just a minute ago I wrote the weekly recommendations post and featured this film in it. By the way, I believe it has a prequel film as well, called Grom: Boyhood. As well as a new film that comes out this year. I haven't seen the prequel yet, so I'm not sure if it's good or not.

One thing that is worth considering with these films too: even though they're Russian, the comic book creators, and filmmakers, grew up with the introduction of western media in Russia. When the Soviet Union collapsed, western music, brands, and films were available to consume. So the films, music, and comic books of Russia today are very much influenced by the west's creations.

It means they're much easier for people like us to watch, given they aren't too different from what we know, albeit with some Russian culture and jokes to be found, as expected.

I just saw the recommendations and the film is good and I want to see its continuation, I saw the post-credits scenes and I like the idea of what I saw and even more because it keeps the villain just want to see more of him that develops better etc etc but the point is that aesthetically with the mask on the character attracts enormously, and without the mask not so much haha 😅 but the mask gives power to the character and more because incidentally I am a fan of that tone medieval plague and of course his doctors of the island Poveglia etc 😀

It is perceived in the creation of this product that its authors at all levels whether comic and cinema, you notice the American influence is present and is fluid, natural, not at all forced, it was like watching a marvel film with Russian voices and less jokes, I consume a lot of this super heroes and was quite happy with this movie 😀

Interesante el super héroe y también el tema de los efectos visuales, eso me agrada mucho. La tendré muy en cuenta, me encantó la reseña en inglés!! Abrazo muchachón!!🤗

Muchachonaaa hola, bueno los efectos visuales tiene sus partes atroces sobre todo al final pero es un film que se le perdona porque no creo sea de mucho presupuesto, entonces lo vi valido para poder entender la historia y su desarrollo, espero mejore eso en la continuación que espero ver este año cuando e estrene 😀

Lastima que hay que esperar a los próximos estrenos!! Gracias muchachón!!💗