SPOILER ALERT: While I’ll do my best to ensure I give the most minimum details concerning how this movie goes, readers’ discretion is advised.

NOTE: Most of the pictures used in this post were screenshots taken from the movie by me

In my introduction post I hinted about how I will talk about movies that got less attention than they deserved. So I will start that with Life of Pi.

2012 saw the release of some of the most popular movies of the last decades; who can forget The avengers, Django Unchained, The final part of the Twilight Saga or the Amazing spider man, the Hunger games, Jack Reacher, John Carter, Mission impossible: Ghost protocol etc. the list is endless.
However, one of the movies that actually got lesser attention than it deserved among these movies is one of my favorite movies of all time; Life of Pi.
Life of Pi was a movie directed by Aang Lee and staring Suraj Sharma and Irfan Khan. The story revolves around a young Indian boy who survives a ship wreck and went on an amazing sea adventure on the ocean where he was able to see and survive a lot of things, some beautiful and some dangerous.
Piscine Molitor Patel (AKA Pi) was born and raised in a zoo owned by his father in Pondicherry, India. He is a boy of many faiths as he believes God reveals himself in many forms. Like any person of faith, Pi was tested in an event that saw everything lose meaning to him until he met a girl named Anandi.

Just when everything was beginning to pan out well again for Pi, the change in economic condition forces his parents to seek migration from India to Canada. To do that they will have to sell the animals in the zoo abroad, this will fetch enough profit to start a new life. Though it broke Pi’s heart to abandon everything but he had no choice.
The Journey ended up taking everything from Pi as their ship wrecked during a storm and he was the only person that survived.

Though the pain of losing everyone he loved in just a few minutes was very hard for Pi, but surviving that shipwreck was the easiest compared to what is to come because he is now stuck on a life boat with a wounded zebra, a sea sick Orang utan, a savage Hyena and a fierce tiger.

Through the journey Pi was able to learn many things, see a lot of things, appreciate the common things as well as the beauty of nature and he was able to find his faith in God again and discovered some unbelievable things; most notable of them was a living Island that enchants those that seeks refuge in it with its resources only to slowly drain the life out of them until nothing is left of their existence.


Of all his struggles to survive and the pain in his heart what Pi actually regrets in the end is not being able to say goodbye.

Life of Pi was a truly remarkable movie with a very unique storyline. Everything about the story was perfect. We can feel every bit of Pi’s emotion (his pain, his confusion and his fear) throughout the movie. You can also find some beautiful camera shots that could easily be turned into a wall paper or a screen saver


