Kill Bill Vol.3: Pondering Tarantino's Neverfilm

in Movies & TV Shows3 years ago (edited)


Warning: Spoilers Ahead

Quentin Tarantino is a film maker that requires little to no introduction. He has entertained , shocked and amazed with the offerings that make up his filmography, and has always pushed the creative envelope with great writing, production and scores. Out of all of his films, the Kill Bill series might go down as two of the most popular and well known alongside the likes of Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, and the director would recently suggest the possibility of a third and final addition to the Kill Bill series, a film that would not only close the book on Beatrix Kiddo, but also on his directorial career for good.

While the likelihood of his final film being a third Kill Bill is now becoming slim due to other creative desires, he would excitedly discuss ideas about the film were it to go ahead. While a very good post on IndieWire has taken some of the wind from my sales regarding foundational characters to act as a springboard for a new story, I will look to go into further detail and perhaps make a few suggestions of my own.

Death and a Daughter

After rewatching the film a few years back, I came to realize at least one loose end that Tarantino included in his film as a way of perhaps hedging his bets in the event that he would eventually return to this particular series. Going after the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad that had attempted to take her life, Beatrix began with a face off against Vernita Green aka Copperhead. After a brutal fight to the death, Beatrix would kill Green in front of her daughter, but would offer the young one the chance to avenge her mother's death once she came of age.

This is already one of a few great entry points into an exciting story, as the traumatic childhood experience could work to harden the young lady as she grew older. Additionally, it could also give Tarantino the opportunity to cast veteran actor, Samuel L. Jackson in the roll of an obscure relative or underworld boss who had known Green and would offer up the wisdom of his years to a daughter out for blood.

Jackson has been a common feature in more than a few of Tarantino films, and it would seem only fitting that he appear in his final one. Now many will probably pipe up and claim that Jackson appeared in the second film as an organ player, but if the same actor could be used to play both Johnny Mo of the Crazy 88s and Pai Mei, then perhaps we can find a work around with this concept too.

California Mountain Snake Down But Not Out

Another key take-away from the second film came down to the confrontation between The Bride and another member of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad, Elle Driver. Having fallen in love with Bill herself, Driver would forever harbor resentment for the women that Bill preferred over everyone else. After killing Bill's brother Budd with the ol' Black Mamba in a briefcase gag, she would go one on one with her greatest rival. The fight would end with Beatrix plucking out Elle's only good eye and leaving her to squirm with agony in Budd's filthy caravan.

However, while losing two eyes does not come highly recommended, it couldn't necessarily be considered a fatal injury, and with her skills and experience, it isn't too crazy to imagine Elle surviving the experience and perhaps even becoming stronger due to the honing of her other senses. With her sight and the love of her life taken away from her, it would be safe to say that Elle would be desperate to take The Bride's head ahead of all others.

Japanese Justice

The Bride would travel to Japan for two main purposes, the first would be to have a samurai sword crafted by the famous bladesmith, Hattori Hanzo. Second, she would go forth to find and kill Yakuza leader and assassin, O-Ren Ishii, aka Cottonmouth. While Beatrix would would first slice up the Crazy 88s, eliminate O-Ren's insane bodyguard, Gogo Yubari and eventually scalp Ishii, she would leave Sofie Fatale alive to give Bill a message.

Of course, before leaving her in a hospital, Sofie would have her arm sliced off and was essentially left battered and beaten, but while Sofie was certainly no fighter, she was the highly intelligent, second in command, lawyer and best friend of O-Ren, and although the head of the Yakuza would fall, the crime organization itself certainly didn't, leaving room for a new leader to step forward. With her contacts in said organization and the toughness that naturally comes from surviving such an ordeal, it's safe to say that Fatale would have a big hat to toss into the ring when it comes to revenge.

Additionally, one detail that totally escaped me was that Gogo Yubari apparently has a twin sister named Shiaki. While I certainly can't imagine the two braiding each others hair at slumber parties or sharing gossip over boys, I could imagine the other sister pursuing the thrill of accomplishing what her sibling never could, killing Beatrix Kiddo.

Bringing Back B.B.

The most talked about aspect and the one that seems the most certain as far as the possible film is concerned would be the casting of Uma Thurman's real daughter, Maya Hawke, to play the role of The Bride's daughter, B.B. Kiddo. With B.B. being four years of age when Beatrix would finally find Bill, the new film would put her at roughly 20 years of age. The story would seem to focus on mother and daughter being on the run from all those who would wish harm upon them, but perhaps more could be done to further connect with events of the past.

For example, with Elle Driver killing their mutual master, Pai Mei, the White Lotus' home could be the staging ground for a montage of training sequences between mother and daughter, and perhaps the arena for the final Battle Royale between all vested parties. With Pai Mei claiming ownership of The Bride's arm during her time with him, it would perhaps makes sense that its this very arm that avenges his death.

The possibilities for this film are certainly enticing, which makes it all the harder to accept that it will, in all likelihood, never come to pass. Regardless, the two films were as satisfying and complete as anything fans could've hoped for, and perhaps the third installment will find its way to us via a different medium. On that note, here's to two great films, and to the man who brought them to life. Here's to Quentin Tarantino :).

A Brief Afterword

Aside from the violence, boot shots and the mild foot fetish that have served as trademarks of Quentin Tarantino's offerings, the film maker has also always taken great care to punctuate his works with unforgettable scores. Indeed, one of the memorable additions to the film was the awesome Japanese surf rock band, The 5,6,7,8s. Perhaps following in this spirit, a new Kill Bill could've been the ideal platform for Chinese American punk rockers, The Linda Lindas.

~~~ embed:J5AhU5Q7vH0 youtube ~~~

A band that went viral with their song that spoke about racism and stigmas, it would've been pretty cool to have made these talented musicians an addition to the project. Agree with my musings or think there's more missing? Feel free to let me know in the comments :).


I love all these ideas for a possible continuation of the story. I would like to see a continuation, let's wait and see what Tarantino decides, some time ago he said he had a draft script for a possible continuation.

The pieces are certainly there. I think it would even be cool if it was made as an anime for mature audiences with the above mentioned characters doing the voices. Also learnt that Gogo's sister's name is Yuki, and was suppose to be played by another actress that was in the film Battle Royale. A film I would recommend to anyone who wants to see why he chose that particular actress to play Gogo :).

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