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RE: Slingshot (film): A decent sci-fi film that is out of the ordinary

It is left up to us, the audience, to decide who is losing their mind and who isn't and this can be a tricky game that I think the writers and director did a very good job with. Right up to the very end you will be kept guessing about what is imagined and what is real, even to the point of wondering if all of the crew members are actually really there at all.

I think I would really like this movie,I don't know. Your review is amazing


thanks for your compliment. I think if you are patience and appreciate the unique acting style of Casey Affleck that this movie is worth watching. Although everyone give it 5/10, I rate it higher than that at probably 7.5/10... I would rate it higher but I don't think Lawrence Fishburne is a good actor and nobody would know who the hell his fat face even is if it weren't for Matrix.

Sometimes when I watch a movie that was rated really low and it turns out amazing,I just feel majority didn't watch the movie with an open mind. Watching and rating a movie isn't all about checking if it has a good story or anything. We're talking about the character development,the acting performed by the actors,how realistic the movie is not like the wack stuff marvel is creating now. Yeah,I would def watch this... Again,thanks for sharing mate