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RE: Movie Review : Edge Of Tomorrow (2014)

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago

The Edge of Tomorrow is a film that I would watch over and over again. The fact that it had that unique "time-travel" concept fused with that jacket technology is something that piqued my interest fromt he beginning.

You sure did your research. I did not know Tom did his stunts himself, and that the movie was shot in the same place as Harry Potter. Well done.

I see that you are taking steps to learning and getting better. That's great. However, let me hand you a tool that would help you. If you would like to know how an author came about their posts (markdowns and all) you could do so with

Let's take my review on Day Shift. If you would like to view the markdowns and all, you can just do so by swapping the frontend name in the link, like "", to ""

Like this:

to this:

Then you should see something like this:

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This way, you can easily see how any author came about something on their post.
I have also made a review on this film, Edge of Tomorrow.


Wow! That's awesome! Thanks alot for the tip. It's really helpful