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RE: 🎬 Una chica del siglo XX y el valor del amor 🤞 [ES|EN] // A 20th Century Girl and the Value of Love

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago

I always think Asian and Korean films are all about romance, and that's why I don't watch them much. Some of them, however, do have compelling love stories.

It's been decades with you, @marbrym. How have you been?


Hi @olujay, yes it's true, it's been a long time since we've met at Hive. I have been quite absent, although for reasons beyond my control. But I try to resume my rhythm here and how have you been? 🤗🌷

You are doing fine, at least. That's good news. I hope you find balance with the things that are within and beyond your control.

I too have not been consistent here on Hive. Things keep getting in the way. I gues that's just how life is.

OHHH, yes sometimes we only see our own situation, but many more are dealing with situations that affect their ongoing participation in Hive, some of them too complex.

So it's a good thing that in spite of everything we continue to meet in Hive. I had already disappeared before 😥🤔🌷

It's okay to leave for a while, especially when one needs the time and space away.

I'm glad to see you back.