Napoleon (2023) : Recap, Review and Reflection

in Movies & TV Shows10 months ago (edited)

"France... Army... Joséphine"

These words are still ringing in my head after I left the premiere of the new biographical film, Napoleon, directed and produced by Ridley Scott. The movie was quite impressive, even better than my expectations.


To be honest, I haven't heard much about this movie, since because it wasn't very huge nor that "mainstream", I think. Still, I walked past the poster by the movie theater and thought it could be interesting, so I decided to go watch it again, luckily in a press preview. Unlike two other movie premieres, this one doesn't offer any events or shows. It would be just a backdrop for us, press to take pictures with. And I decided to do my version of low-cost cosplay for the occasion. 😂



Enough for my costume attempt, let's get started with

🌟 the Recap 🌟


The movie Napoleon is an epic historical and (I would add) drama film that follows the most iconic French leader, Napoleon Bonaparte. His rise to power and fall to his grave. While adding another aspect of his relationship with his first and only love, (the empress) Joséphine.

I think the good thing about biographical films is that there are no spoilers in telling you guys a plot, which is something I've been struggling with 😂. So, if you want to know Bonaparte's life story, you can easily look it up on the internet. I must say I might not know much about French history, but I'm trying to write as understandable as I can, please bear with me. As today's post is about the movie, I'll recap how Scott, the director, told us this story.


The story didn't start from the childhood of Bonaparte, it actually didn't start with him at all. Instead, it started with the French Revolution in 1793, which included guillotine chopping off heads and an angry French mob.

Bonaparte first came in the Toulon War, where he led the French army against the British fleet, using artillery. This was the moment that made him well-known to the nation.

After that, around 3/4 amount of the movie, we were just following him chronically through the crucial moments of his life coming to power in the government and later becoming the emperor of France, which Oh! I didn't really see that coming, but wow! he really went for it.

The last part (the last 1/4 amount) of the movie was about the Waterloo War, the last war that Napoleon led and (as you might have known/ or guessed) lost to Britain (and the allies). Towards the end of his life, unfortunately, similar to other only-a-while successful people, he died alone (and I would say) quite lonely, in contrast to all those accomplishments and power, he's got throughout his lifetime.


Now it's time for...

🌟 the Review 🌟


As I mentioned in the beginning, I came watching it without much expectation, whether I liked it or not, but I found myself ending up liking it, in a way that there are a lot of unexpected elements that Scott used in the movie to tell us and not making it "flat" nor boring like just a common life narrative.

The first thing I wanna say is that the production of filming is outstanding. In every scene of the movie, I can see all the little details that really take the audience back into France at that time, whether it was a luxurious coronation or a hopeless street in Paris, or even someplace else like Egypt or Russia.

It all looked amazing. I read that behind the scenes Scott used 11 cameras to capture lots of angles and as a director, he had to quality check them all. That's why I felt like I see more viewpoints even just 1 scene.


The second thing about Scott's method was adding a lot of elements of "normal human being" to Bonaparte, like his relationship with Joséphine. I think this is the most evident thing that makes me feel that no matter how "great" a conqueror he is, at the end of the day, he was just still a guy, who has put his heart and soul into the only woman he ever loved. That's why Joséphine became such an important part of his life.

This poster really made sense to me after watching the film. The world for Joséphine is the world that Bonaparte tried to make throughout his life.


Scott used the letters that Bonaparte and Joséphine wrote to each other to navigate the story, actually, it was mostly Napoleon's writing and only one (or two times, I'm not sure) that she wrote him.

I must say that I have such an immense affection for Vanessa Kirby since I saw her on Netflix's UK royal family series, The Crown. Yet again, Kirby captured the essence of Joséphine perfectly, while adding more "Kirbyness and charm" to it.


At this point, it would be impossible to mention Joaquin Phoenix's mastery of acting. What really stood out to me is that he brought the "normal common" guy into a great warrior/politician/whatever we learned about him in history class. He shows a lot of humor to Bonaparte, not in a comedic way but in a less serious and god-like emperor that I believe lifted the whole mood of the movie to give it more new flavor (in some way), which looks like it wouldn't fit into a period movie, but somehow with Phoenix, he made it work. That's why he won an Oscar.

The last thing, I want to share with you guys is...

🌟 the Reflection 🌟

What hit me after watching the movie is that... One can't have it all, even the great conqueror Napoleon.

The 3 things that Bonaparte held as his core values (France, Army, Joséphine) are not only driving him to be the greatest and most powerful of all but also stripping him down to nothing. At the end, looks like only thing he had left is his bare unhappy and unsucessful soul. In the movie, you'll see that everything he did is for the 3 things and when the time came to choose, he unfortunately was broken by it. The minute that he had to divorce Joséphine, because she couldn't bear his child, they both were heartbroken and torn and basically couldn't regain any happiness after that at all. Even though Bonaparte kept on being a great general in a war, he always had something missing.


So from that point, many questions popped up in my head. What really should be the priority of life? Your happiness or your duty.. If you had to pick one, would you rather be happy but declining your duty or fulfil your duty to your nation but never again be happy. I guess there aren't really correct answers for this, since everybody has a different priority and different perspective in life. But, I don't know. Everybody had to die at some point. What would be the thing that you lived for while you were alive? For me, I still figuring that out and I guess it'll never be ending easily even, so I guess I'll have to wait and see.

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Sometimes, sudden reflections in my brain can be super random like this, but I still like to think about it and get it out. Thank you Hive for this space and thank you guys if you kept reading until this part. :) I'll see you next time!

Overall, I think the movie is good for history lover for sure. It's a biographical film that is light and not too serious with great production and cast. Give it a try if you're still not sure, I recommend it.

PS. The first 2 photos are mine but all the official movie photos are from Source 1 and Source 2.

Let's stay supportive of the entertainment industry and keep watching great movies, guys

Khob khun kaa,
Nomnomnoodle 🍜


I've heard a lot of good things about the film. Soon I'll be able to see it, thanks the review. Definitely a film on my list.

let me know what you think about it if you had a chance.

Although I didn't watch the movie. But after reading your review, it felt like, the complexity of Napoleon's life and choices is well-captured in the movie. It's a poignant reminder that even the most powerful figures grapple with personal sacrifices. Your reflections add depth to the narrative.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and here's to the intriguing tales history brings to the screen! 🎬📜

Thank you so much for your precious comment! It is really a big question in one's life I think and even in one's life time, it can't be figured out even. So scary

I love to watch movies about biography of a person, this brings more light on having knowledge on the said person and as you said no spoilers.

It shows us so much more with the interpretation of a director too, which is so much fun to watch I think! hahah right you can never spoil the plot that is actually happened.

Yes it does you can spoil the plot and that's a take

Awesome review!! I really want to watch the movie, as I saw it was in the cinema. Your post is very complete, it seems to be a complex and complete story.

Thank you so much! 😍 It's very heart warming to see that you like it :)) I tried to make my writing easy to understand yet convey the tangled things in my head in a constructed way possible. Which I still need a lot more practicing. Hive is a great place to do it too.

Heard a lot of good feedback about this one and honestly I can't wait to see it too 😊

let me know what you think about it.

Other than learning some French history, this sounds like a pretty intense film. I already feel sad for Napoleon that he had to lose everything in the end, especially his love.

If you wanted to, what would you rate this film over ten?

Great question! I was thinking about it too whether I should rate it, but I elt like I'm just an amateur movie watcher and not qualified for that. However, in my opinion I would rate it 8/10 since I find it very interesting and give me different vibe from other history movie.

Nah. Everyone's got their opinions, and ratings are opinions too, professional or not.

8/10 makes me want to watch it even more. Very nice.

go for it! let me know how it goes :)

I haven't seen it yet but I know I won't be disappointed, it's a great story and the actors give it their all. Yes I have read that it has very unique drama.

Wow! that means a lot to me that you read it all. Thank you so much! Go check it out and let me know how you think about it. :))

The movie is good, but a little slow in terms of historical narrative. Ridley Scott is an old-fashioned director, and I expected him to make a film like this.

I haven‘t watched much of his work but definitely gonna check it out more. I think he really has some interesting view of film making

I wish I could have liked this movie but honestly at least for me it wasn't that great. It mainly centers around his love of one person and nothing else. It barely goes into the details of battles or follows the depths of the country and how he came to power it just glosses over it all quickly.

I get it. I think I‘d be like that too if I was expecting more realistic and historical view of the movie. At least this time I wasn‘t expecting anything much, but ye this wouldn‘t be my first choice if I want to learn history about politics.

It's a very good movie i think that Phoenix deserve an Óscar again 🙌🔥😏🤩

I've seen people saying than this film by Ridley Scott isn't one of its best films... I haven't seen it but what its worth and by just looking the filmography, It look pretty well done and gorgeous. Impecable at view and clever use of the color palette.

ahhh ye I think I saw some reviews like that too. I haven‘t seen any film of him but after this I will since I‘m very curious now if it‘s true or not.

By your words i can supouse that film show us Napoleón as a real man. I like that. He is a símbol but in first place he was a human, a great human by the way. Many offen Wee Wee the great characters of World history very far from they human dimensión.

Thank you so much for stopping by and help elaborating my review. That‘s exactly what I‘m trying to explain :)) and you help make it concise and clear.

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