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RE: Announcing The Movies & TV Shows Community Badge!

in Movies & TV Shows3 years ago

I will always be grateful for your help with your votes to my publications and I hope that other people continue to have that support in their beginnings in Hive and more writing about movies.

Feels like forever ago! I still have the same goal too. @eeks may have left but I'm still here.

It's strange to think of how few people there were back then that posted about movies and tv shows. People like me and you really have built this community on Hive from the ground up, barely even from a seed. Even those that have left or never even joined us on Hive after the transition from Steem have no idea how much they contributed to what we now have.

I'm really thankful for people like you, that have contributed and managed to stick around through not only the community's lows, but Hive's attempts to get up on its own feet. At this point it's much bigger than us, and it's incredible how early it still is.

One of the mods said it already but join the Discord server if you can. I think soon we might need some additional help in areas and it's always nice having some friendly faces around in that event.


I hope very soon to be very active in Discord and to be always available for the community, there are things that prevent me from being more connected, I'm talking about being able to see the many publications, help new people, comment more, but when I have the time I start to do it.