Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.
The Details
Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject.
There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and five or more posts will be chosen frequently.
Author: @tegoshei

This CTRL app is an AI assistant which promises to remove anyone's digital footprint... it was Joe's for Nella. And since the process might need a much longer time to finish, the app asked her permission to gain administrative control of her PC.
Author: @dinaaczib

Increasingly, the film industry brings to the screen stories inspired by people who are murderers or psychopaths and who are often close people who have a common life, family and are even “exemplary”, but end up being a facade to hide their evil.
Author: @afterglow

At the beginning of the movie, I was beginning to think how the three Marvels are going to unite and it was answered during the Jump Point anomaly scene. But there's a slight difference from what I was expecting. Instead of three being united because of the jump point anomaly they switched places (a fun idea). And from then on, everything is a funny, and beautiful mess. Kamala's scene even made her excited about seeing Nick Fury even if she is scared to death since she was sent from her room into space (inside a space suit).
Author: @viviana.fitness

Anne Hathaway as the Grand High Witch, has an incredible transformation, with special effects that let us see how she goes from being a super beautiful and elegant woman to a very disgusting and evil creature. When I saw this movie for the first time I admit that it scared me a lot but at the same time I couldn't stop watching it and having fun.
Author: @nameless16

The script is excellent, the best of the film; the narrative is completely special from the prologue to the three acts that make up the story; precisely each one has a perfect development for the events of the end and that is why it is difficult for me to know which of the three is better; the story is based on the need to be better, to be relevant, important and I can even say unique; something normal in what happens in the world of entertainment and is that fame for this story is a motive and cause of many situations and I think that just that gives a touch of reality because now, in these times, anyone would do the impossible to be famous.
Author: @annafenix

The girl was the only one who could see the ghosts, and she made a friendly connection with them. Amidst laughter and terror, things went wrong for Beetlejuice, who was cast out and confined to the hall of the afterlife, with a long waiting list ahead of him and his head shrunk by a healing ghost. While the girl and her parents agreed to share the house with the ghost couple, and thus were not forced to leave the place.
Author: @eldiariodelys

But, without a doubt, one character development I loved was in Isaac and Tori, they both had a self-discovery, accepted themselves, took risks in their lives to do new things or say out loud who they are. I loved seeing them not being afraid of themselves✨ To me, they were an example. And if there is something important in the series, it is the development of their characters, they are not static, boring, and without evolution, they are just young people learning how to live.
Author: @cristiancaicedo

Kladivo na carodejnice was directed by Otakar Vávra and co-written by him with Ester Krumbachová, based on the novel of the same name by Václav Kaplický, who took on the task of re-examining the trials held in Moravia at the end of the 17th century and the story of Boblig from Edelstat, the court judge who sentenced more than a hundred people under duress and torture. Most religions today, both in the East and the West, are patriarchies where the position of women is considered inferior, but I think that never in history, before or after (except perhaps in the current case of the Taliban regime that has radicalized its misogyny) has any church or power been so cruel towards women. In the film there are several very strong and clearly misogynistic phrases such as "A woman's vagina is the gateway to hell" or "The desire of a woman is the root of Evil" that seek to blame women when the responsibility should fall on others. If a man desires a woman, how is she to blame for that desire? Isn't it the man who should assume that emotion? Anyway, there is a lot to cut and a lot to talk about on this subject, but I wanted to talk about Witchhammer because on this Halloween Night there will be many stories in which you will see these creatures as villains, as terrible monsters lurking, but reviewing history a little, knowing who hunted them, satanized them and exterminated them, perhaps it would be good for us to ask ourselves, who is really the monster behind this story? Have any of you seen this movie? Have you heard of the Malleus Maleficarum? I read you in the comments.
Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.
Thank you very much @namiks @moviesonhive
Thank you Community for the support and allowing me to be among the posts that validated 😍😍❤️
Thank you very much for your support!