Movies & TV Shows Community Highlight #939

in Movies & TV Shows6 months ago
Authored by @namiks


Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.

The Details

Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject.

There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and five or more posts will be chosen frequently.


Author: @beysyd

Blink Twice Movie Review

This phrase pronounced by Slater repeatedly stuck with me. How happy we would be if we forgot all those situations that could have caused some kind of trauma to our lives or unlike that point of view one could say that we are the people we are thanks to those not so pleasant situations we have lived. Maybe Slater would be right if the trauma was not caused with malice aforethought, but otherwise it is a deplorable act that deserves punishment and not oblivion.


Author: @neruel

Breathless - Medically Incorrect | Series Review

In the series, a critical moment occurs when Néstor leaves the operating room to join a medical strike where there is no minimum service. Can you imagine deciding to have surgery, and your doctor leaves the operating room? That happens in the plot, and it is very unfortunate.


Author: @jcrodriguez

Industry - Season 3 | Serie Review

I think it also delves a little deeper into the workings of corporate entities. The crisis and the collapse of the banks, the betrayals and lies of all these people who deep down are a bit psychopathic and govern their lives based on making more money, success, feeding their egos. We may not understand some of them, but it makes us investigate and at the same time learn about the bad moves within the industry.


Author: @ayane-chan

Mother Cabrini: The Immigrants' Saint [Movie Review]

The movie talks about the life and mission of a nun named Francesca Cabrini from Italy. She was a woman with talent, dedication, sympathy and kindness towards the immigrants. In her time, discrimination among genders and status evidently hindered her good deeds. She fought for their rights until her last strength and believes that she should reclaim the dignity of her people.


Author: @ikigaidesign

A terror that is not at all horrifying | Review Tramp

We are supposed to be dealing with a psychopath, the police as usual, shows her negligent at the time of doing her job and catching these beings; on the other hand we have the girl who plays the role of the artist, the singer, it was very noticeable how forced her interpretation was, I understand it was her first time in a movie, she can be forgiven for that, but unfortunately this takes away a lot from the movie.


Author: @artgirl

An Inspiring Historical Tale of How a Noble Soldier Became a Champion of God

I was not familiar with the protagonist before I watched the movie. Perhaps I've heard of St. Ignatius of Loyola before but I didn't really know anything about him. So when I watched this I really got to know who he was. Really does a good job in showing us who this saint was.


Author: @yennysferm71

Gastronomía y mucha magía / Gastronomy and a lot of magic

Varia stays in a place where among several books she gets a book of traditional Ukrainian cooking by Chef Olga Franko, who was an activist during the Soviet Union era, and whose ghost will be the magical character that will accompany her and give her advice.


Author: @wiseagent

MOVIE REVIEW: “Last Night in Soho” (2021)

In addition to directing this movie with almost surgical precision, Edgar Wright also helped write it and it's really a shame that its conclusion is so small compared to what it could have been. It's not a bad ending or anything close to it, it's just not as ambitious as the script makes you think throughout the entire movie. The “simplicity” of the third act (including in terms of physical action) is disappointing, because there really was potential to create something much more impactful than just a few scenes that mix supernatural aspects with psychological aspects.



Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.

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Wow thanks for the feature! ❤️


I am very grateful to the Movies and TV Show Community for including me in this post alongside Content Creators that I admire.