Movies & TV Shows Community Highlight #835

in Movies & TV Shows11 months ago
Authored by @namiks


Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.

The Details

Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject.

There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and five or more posts will be chosen frequently.


Author: @killerwot

Fallout Episode 1 (Review)

In the first game the concept of the vaults, and living underground for many years gave the original creators some ideas for adverts to help vault dwellers prepare for a life outside of the vault, and this has been a common thing among all of the games.


Author: @promete0sz

(ENG/SPA) The UnXplained: Prophecys Documentary with William Shatner

There will always be those who say at present supported by science that basically prophecies is magic or does not exist BUT in our past is the undeniable proof of our slavery to the unknown future because we are animals that before the chaos, the mystery, the disorder that represents not knowing what will happen in the future, each and every one will be dominated by a fear of their time for events that can never control but would like to do so if they had had the tools or knowledge.


Author: @filotasriza3

FALLOUT 2024 Series Review

Honestly, it's pretty awesome, i would like more episodes and more fights but that's me. Apparently, there will be a season 2 and hopefully, we won't wait 3-4 years for it. I would give it a 9/10, maybe because i am a fan of the games who knows, if you have watched it, please share your thoughts!


Author: @netflixr

Lost in Translation (film): An entertaining look into loneliness and love

I don't want to spoil what happens in the movie but it is quite touching and very well executed on the part of the actors as well as the production team. I can't imagine how they were able to film this in busy Tokyo but a lot of the scenes appear to have been filmed with many people being in the scene that don't realize that they are in a movie. I can't imagine that they would be able to shut down an entire downtown Tokyo area for anything, let alone a film with an overall budget of $4 million.


Author: @teknon

How To Date Billy Walsh || My Opinion/Critic

I would like to assume that the plot was about an intended love triangle, but the male actors involved barely exhibited any of the characteristics of fighting to win the attention of anyone. I didn't even know if Billy was attracted to Amelia at the start. There was no hint, no trace and certainly no pointer at a romantic attraction from his own end.


Author: @gabimramirez

Recomendación para el fin de semana: Hi Nanna

This is a totally family movie, full of a lot of romance and believe me it will bring tears to your eyes because it is very emotional. I must say that I didn't expect much from this story, but those 2 hours 35 minutes are totally worth it, that's why I tried not to tell much more of the story so that you will be encouraged to watch it and enjoy it.


Author: @luzscarllet18

Parasite (2019) || Opinion & Movie's Review

In my opinion, this film is a strong criticism of the consequences that can be caused by the mistreatment of poor people by the wealthier social class, as well as the poor losing empathy and values and integrity for others in order to achieve their purposes. If you have seen this movie I invite you to leave me your appreciations and if not I recommend you to see it, since you will be intrigued until the end of the story, until another opportunity.


Author: @mrarhat

Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths Part-1 Review .

Now, if any of you haven't seen the movie Deserves and have no idea what "Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths" is, let me give you some context. The last movie in DC's animated universe was "Justice League: League Dark Apocalypto," which appeared to take place within the Tomorrowverse. So far, we've seen quite a few movies set within the Tomorrowverse, and now we're seeing a big crossover event which is "Infinite Earths on Justice League Crisis" based on the comic of the same name. And we got to see the first part of it, which I'm talking about right now.


Author: @mango-juice

“Young Sheldon” TV Series Review | How it feels to be a genius

No matter if you are a fan of "The Big Bang Theory" and want to watch the prequel to get nostalgic or you are just looking for a funny, family-friendly comedy show, I guarantee you that "Young Sheldon" will be a great choice for you. While watching the TV series, you will surely remember your good old Days and school life and the priceless memories you spent with your siblings or friends in your childhood. It is a show that takes you on a time machine and makes you call up your past like magic. So if you are getting interested, I would suggest you watch the first season of this TV show and I am pretty sure that you will fall in love with this show in no time.



Scoop - Movie Review!

It is a very well made film with 10 performances, I think this is really its added value. The impersonation work done by Rufus Sewell is abysmal, a makeup to match but above all a very top interpretation of the Prince who managed to copy gestures, mannerisms and expressions to perfection. Also mention Gillian Anderson, very sober in her role as she always does every time she acts. Obviously the weight of this film is the story as such but without these characters it would not be possible. Personally I have nothing bad to say about the cast and even less about what was seen on screen, it's a great job.


Author: @wiseagent

From the big screen to the small screen.

In general, I see that compared to a few years ago, television series are already being modified into different types of formats (including the hiring of famous names in cinema). I think this works extremely well for consumers in general, but especially for an industry that embraces streaming channels as a true source of high financial profitability, and that is easily renewed.



Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.

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Gracias por la mención de la semana a mi publicación 🙏

Congratulations to those mentioned as the best content of the day. Congratulations to the team and the community where every day they work for the growth of this space. Excellent selections. A pleasure to be back here.

Best regards.

 11 months ago  

Thanks for sticking around :)

Thanks @moviesonhive for the mention and your valuable support to my content. 😊

Thank you so much for this. I appreciate.😊

thanks for the mention muchachones... and William SHatner is also Happy 😃/
