Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.
The Details
Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject. Over all effort will be considered, and those chosen will be featured in a post just like this with a percentage of the post rewards being distributed as a reward.
There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and five or more posts will be chosen frequently.
Author: @eleazarvo

This film not only has comic nuances, there is a presence of adventure and even falls into drama, in a well-achieved way, something that was unthinkable in animated films before, but in this new format, we let ourselves be led to see the future of animated works beyond comedy. In that capacity to convey a lot of drama and go which way. Perhaps in the future, the academy awards may have more nominations including; for example, Best Animated Action Film or Best Animated Actor. It is an assumption, although the world has changed a lot and will continue to change in this Post-pandemic revolution. Puss in Boots, the last wish, has excellent animations, colors, effects and sounds that make us feel the skin-deep work. We can observe fictional characters with whom we empathize in that series of emotions that we feel when watching this story for an hour and a half.
Author: @cristiancaicedo

Cate Blanchet is wonderful, we all know what a great actress she is and the way she embodies this composer (fictitious, by the way) is incredible. The film allows us to observe and enjoy Lydia (and Cate) angry, happy, giggly, arrogant, fearful, powerful, humiliated, worried, anxious, fragile, strong... she is a complex character. We see her attend interviews, attend meetings, give classes, we see her direct rehearsals at the Berliner Philharmonie, one of the most beautiful concert halls in the world, but we also see her at home, together with her adopted daughter, in the park, talking with Francesca, or going through a controversial situation that puts her in the spotlight and not in the best way: a former student of hers has committed suicide and some evidence holds Lydia responsible for it. We never get a clear look at the girl and never really know her past with Lydia, which the director handled very well because it arouses suspicion, but also shows (with other examples) that information can be manipulated and misrepresented in many ways. Despite what one and the other say, the true trial of Lydia Tár is carried out by the viewer, do you think she is guilty? do you defend her? One chooses.
Author: @fabian98

So if you like comedies full of funny scenes and awkward moments and a great ending, I recommend You watch it, it also has great actors that give it the grace that this story needs to be legendary, if you want to see it as I mentioned it is highly recommended, but if you have already seen it you can let me know your opinion of the movie in the comments, I will gladly read them and respond. Thank you very much for reading I hope you have a great day and see you in a next review :D
Author: @lauracraft

The development of the story is strange, first it shows us the story of a woman who apparently has a daughter to take care of, but has her under observation by specialists, the strange thing is that she is in a kind of nursery where her "dad" is her caregiver and her mother is who tries to make the girl feel as comfortable as possible, for sure we do not know if the girl is really the daughter of one or the other, because it leaves us a mystery that we must decipher as we go watching it. Typically, in a thriller, we will see a kind of curse where a "demon" tries to possess or drive Li Ronan crazy, manifesting in the girl a being from beyond who communicates through the girl doing things that an abnormal child would do. She mentions that she sees something or that a bloodstained hand comes out, but nothing that shows us that "terror" that she is supposedly trying to reveal, it's more of what I expected to be scared with any suspenseful scene than what I could enjoy in this one, which was nothing.
Author: @nameless16

From a very early age I have seen many films directed by Steven Spielberg, movies full of adventures starring wonderful characters where curiosity, the need for discovery makes the protagonists have experiences that go far beyond human understanding; I say this because the first films I saw of this director was "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial", "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and one of the trilogies of cinema that I like to see the most, those are the first three films of "Indiana Jones"; to those productions I must name one of my favorite films and that is "JAW" which is a mixture of horror and adventure where the antagonist is one of the best characters of cinema; I name these films because they are the ones that were important in my childhood and part of my adolescence and taught me how good a storyteller is this director who in this opportunity, decides to pay tribute to the influence he had in his life to make the decision to devote himself completely to the world of cinema and therefore created this story where he focuses his experiences in his childhood and adolescence in a family which decided to call it "The Fabelmans " and which everything is told from the point of view of "Sam Fabelman" first a child and then a teenager who from the use of his video camera can capture funny moments, sad that will help him grow up to the time to achieve his long-awaited dream.
Author: @franzzonline

Predator or Predator, was one of the great works of science fiction cinema that also left millions to those who produced it, also had the merit of creating an excellent villain that eventually would be remembered as one of the most ruthless species that have ever been conceived, Predator seems to me a good movie, very enjoyable when you see it for the first or third time, and that keeps interesting details, knows how to keep the tension and the attention of the audience with all the events that happen in the film, it has some clichés like almost all the works of the big screen, but I forgive it for its original concept of placing an alien hunter of human prey in a jungle environment, if there are any doubts, I recommend it my friends :) I would give it a chance if you haven't seen it. Thanks for reading!
Author: @josmariyuyi

One of the things that made me most impotent was the end of the story, many times trust in others makes us believe that we can trust the word of other people and it is not so. It left me with a complete sense of loneliness and an emptiness of resignation as well. Everything takes an unexpected turn which you never thought would happen. Likewise, it generates a lot of illusion for the moments lived and something that this work of art achieves is to create empathy with both characters, between their life stories and the importance of enjoying the present moment with what you have at that moment.
Author: @esther-emmanuel

The first problem I have with this movie is that it shouldn't have been toned down to PG-13, I mean why should kids be watching horror in the first place? Hollywood has succeeded in crossing a very thin line that protects what our children watch these days by feeding them things that are not meant to be consumed by children. In my opinion, I wouldn't recommend that any children below the age of 17 or 18 should watch M3gan but the actual targeted audience of this movie are children which are not supposed to be. If they hadn't toned this movie down to PG-13, it would have been a blockbuster and a movie people will keep talking about for years.
Author: @thatkidsblack

I've never thought about that. If making movies is an art, I guess I'd be considered an artist. But I don't know if it's an art or a craft or whatever anybody wants to call it. A lot of people get pompous and claim a film director has to be an auteur. Or are you really just a craftsman who is in a leadership capacity and who guides people along? Besides, isn't there an art to everything? There's an art to it if you know to do it and you do it well. A good bartender could be an artist. A bad one is not.
Author: @jauregui98

This series has one of the best endings that could ever exist, at no time did it stop being faithful to the series, at no time was its narrative twisted, at no time was there any opportunity to ruin the series by changing the characters or the story they were telling, and although I would be able to sell my soul for more seasons of Fleabag, it is not necessary, the series ended in the best possible way, in an unparalleled climax, that no matter what, is enough and does not need more. This series and the ending is one of my favorites, because it's like starting to read a book in the middle and end up in the middle of a sentence with many questions about what will happen next, but there is no need to know, everyone can continue the story in his mind the way he wants, but the end is there, no more is needed and we have to accept it.
Author: @janusmolinovsky

The director presented us with many forced scenes, but did not know how to argue them in a coherent way. If I had been told that Gemma drilled some circuit in the chest or skull that delegated motor functions to the android...I would not complain, but a glass of water, is it serious? The epilogue, well, I literally didn't like it, I mean, "Megan escaping through the internet is the least of it", I mean, it looks predictable. Rather, I focus on the moral responsibility, that is, that Gemma is found guilty of everything, since she created a robot "without the minimum safety protocol measures", for me, that should have been the real ending.
Author: @universoperdido

Now let's talk about the ending, but without spoilers. I find it annoying when a movie was crafted towards a specific audience, and those of us who don't know the story well have to guess as in a frustrating open ending. It's like reading a fictional story where a character is living a certain awesome situation, only to have the writer tell you at the end that it was all a dream. It's like getting punched in the face and you have to look outside for relief, isn't it annoying? Well the ending of this movie was like that.
Author: @nestorgomez

It is essential to mention that the technical and visual quality of the staging is impeccable, the director plays with a series of closed shots focused particularly on a single object, which have a significant impact on the construction of a heavy atmosphere of tension in the sequence. of events as the plot progresses. In moments of more action, he makes use of a blur effect on the camera lens that may be somewhat uncomfortable, but it is a valid resource that seeks to generate anxiety in the viewer and I think he succeeds. Definitely, the aesthetics of this proposal is one of its strong points and the way in which the footage is edited seems to me that it contributes to gradually increasing the suspenseful tone.
Author: @danielapevs

Three other points should be highlighted. The first is that Gemma has the typical boss who depends on a single employee to make his company come up and is a bit irritable. The second is that this same boss has an assistant who always seems to be the namby-pamby, the typical assistant who only knows how to laugh, say silly things and follow his boss (we've seen this a lot already). And third, it turns out that this assistant is smarter than everyone and ends up stealing MEGAN's code to send it to the competition (sounds a lot like If I Was 30 when Jenna sends all the information of Poise magazine to Sparkle magazine).
Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @sacra97 ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.
The amount of M3gan reviews makes me feel as though I oughta watch it...
But my disposition towards scary things suggests I shouldn't. I like your point though, @esther-emmanuel, and I agree. Certain themes and images children should not see, and in fact, you add another great point, which is, had it been more restricted, there might be potential for the movie to go down as a classic.
Having not seen it, I cannot comment more, other than I wasn't pleased my 16 year old brother and 18 year old sister went to watch it. I can't control them or worry they've been scarred- they're growing during a significant time period anyway, following the pandemic.
I just mean that some things are better when we wait for our turn to try them. Seeing them too early, or ahead of our time, can ruin the fun.
Yeah this was quite a Megan themed highlight.
Muchísimas gracias por la mención. Keep on doing the good work!
Muchísimas gracias por la mención. Un fuerte abrazo para todo el equipo. 💜