Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.
The Details
Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject. Over all effort will be considered, and those chosen will be featured in a post just like this with a percentage of the post rewards being distributed as a reward.
There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and five or more posts will be chosen frequently.
Author: @ipexito

This week I started watching Şahmaran/Shahmaran, a Turkish Netflix series. I just watched the last episode and immediately started writing a post about it. First of all, this is a very new series, it was released on January 20, but I started wondering this week. I wanted to watch it because I love Serenay Sarıkaya and I was following her previous series; Medcezir, Fi, and even Adanalı series. But I think Adanalı was the first series she became famous for. I even used to imitate her character Sofia as a child because she spoke with a Greek accent. I think she is an actress who has improved herself a lot. And very beautiful, I loved her hair in the series, I'm not sure if is it her own hair, but it looked very natural.
Author: @cami.rojas

The characteristic of this series is precisely that the plot happens very fast and the situations are magically resolved all the time, but especially in this season, I feel that everything happened super fast, it was like an overload of information that I did not quite like, but this is completely personal because the twist that happened in the plot I did not like at all, and this has a lot to do with the characters. The characters in general give me the impression that they have no progress, especially Emily, I still feel that is the same person empizanada at work and very bright but often so reckless that bothers the other characters and even the viewer, also his indecision in the field of love makes me despair, and is that, Gabriel this time was for me a character that bothered me completely, from their decisions and their attitude, personally I did not feel chemistry between him and Emily, all very forced in some parts.
Author: @javyeslava.photo

And that is the second thing to comment on. As I already said, this film is a strong criticism of those people who work under the power of money, who believe they are untouchable thanks to it. But behind these strange and out of the ordinary behaviors there is a series of insecurities and frustrations that they seek to suppress in this island where it seems that there are no consequences as long as you have enough money. Basically it is having free reign to do and undo without any consequences. In real life there are many people who do not need to go to a little known island to do that and there is the point of it all, that the protagonists lead a normal and routine life but with some depraved desires very hidden in the shell of a normal life. I don't know, this movie showed me how human can become if pushed to extreme situations and the example of that is James. Survival, rediscovery of his true self, call it what you will.
Author: @soyaruska

It is a film where you can see the loneliness, traumas of the characters and even homophobia. It is a journey into the emotions of the character, personally I like that it is more about the emotional than about his obesity. With this film I felt I traveled from rejection to empathy, to feel how emotions can take you to extremes Fraser's performance is wonderful, you can tell he went inside his own experiences to give such an extraordinary interpretation.
Author: @stairway2heaven

Surprisingly and at first instance to show an environment in which there are monsters and blood and violence or certain scenes and comments with a high sense, the plot takes a course more by the intimidation of the figures or the presence of the same ones, the suspense and the dialogues something excessively long with many approaches, if certainly there are present elements of slaughter and violence but I do not see that it is the most predominant feature, I feel that this comes being more a resource for the narrative of which it is not abused, as the series progresses and climaxes, most of these scenarios take weight and give us a show of violence, but accompanied with an interesting narration and personally very heavy and redundant in several scenarios, making me the impression that the simplicity of the series (which is not a bad thing) shows arrogance.
Author: @dayna199019

The film has a plot that, although it is not new, if you know how to exploit it correctly, you can get an excellent production, but in this case I feel that it was not like that, of course I am not a cinema expert, I only share my opinion how the film made me feel in terms of production level, because the message of the story is wonderful, especially for these times when we are connected to everything.
Author: @lionsaturbix

One of the things that I didn't like a lot in this movie, is the camera movement in some scenes, because they had a lot of movements in which you could almost distinguish what was happening in the moments of action. It became a little blurry, and it was a nuisance, because I am a person who likes to see well all kinds of movements in terms of action, see fists, blows that although they are not real are quite noticeable what is trying to convey, but in itself I do not consider that the film has been bad, rather the opposite, it was good and I liked a little.
Author: @freakshow90

In 1991, several characteristics that we take for granted today did not exist. One of them is the independence and courage that is usually understood to characterise the female characters of our time. At that time, there were still some remnants of the delicacy, seduction and unconditional companionship that characterised the collective imagination about being a woman and the characters they brought to life. This context provides an important background for understanding the role of FBI agent Clarice Starling, played by Jodie Foster in an unsurpassed performance. For this film, actresses such as Sharon Stone and Meg Ryan decidedly chose "no" over the proposal. Because when they read the script they were horrified by the idea of the plot and thought it was "implausible" for women... Surely, I think in hindsight, they must be very sorry for that value judgement. In 1988, Thomas Harris wrote and published the sequel to "Red Dragon", the first book in a long saga and dark police suspense thriller, what did he call it? Precisely as you are thinking: "The Silent of the Lambs". It immediately became a bestseller in the United States, and worldwide. It is its author's masterpiece, and it didn't take long for it to catch on in Hollywood. So it was that Jonathan Demme, director, and Ted Tally, screenwriter, got down to work and began to put together one of the best films of the 90's and without a doubt, one of the best cinematic stories in history.
Author: @fmbs25

What didn't I like about the series? Too short, hahaha it's a plot that can be exploited much more, it would probably be more fiction, and although it has accumulated more than 28 million views in the short time it has been available, it is still little known if there is a possibility of a second season, which would be great, to know what happens after his appeal was not approved, and how was the moment in which according to history his struggle gave the desired results. I must say, if you are a lover of period stories, this is a good choice to bully this weekend, I give it a 9/10.
Author: @syberia

Anyone would be interested just reading the plot of this film because it sounds like a pretty good proposal: "A group of students get trapped in a time loop repeating the same day over and over again, their mission is to find the body parts of a little girl in order to get out alive, but things won't be so easy because there will be spectres trying to kill them to prevent them from achieving their goal". You read this and it surely catches your attention, time travel and horror with a lot of deaths in the process, it sounds very promising, but it ends up being mostly nonsense, where the horror after 30 minutes of the film disappears completely, changing the genre of the film drastically, transforming it into a Japanese style teen drama, as if it was an episode of a mythical Slice of Life. The worst thing is that it doesn't start badly, the tension at the beginning of the film is so high that it might even scare you, as it did me, but nothing more than that. The film is also supposed to be based on a manga, which if you search the internet its existence is almost unknown, so I can't tell you if the original material is any good either.
Author: @belena2128

It is not a film for the liking of all audiences and much less for today's generation that for them humor has transcended, and they are also more demanding in quality and plot; But for us in 2003 when it was released, it was an excellent film, it was a time when the cinema provided entertainment with more real experiences, more cultural, more towards the day to day of the average person, managing to connect immediately with each of us, it was easy to enjoy them; I will not deny that it has illogical scenes, which have no sense, but it was not something to give so much importance if it fulfilled its function, which was "to entertain us".
Author: @saravm82

This movie taught me that we should value very much the people we have around us, people of great importance for our lives, such as our family, friends, including our partner, because it may happen that from one moment to another they are no longer with us because of some attitude of ours and then we have to repent for such a decision and wish that none of that would happen to be well with that person.
Author: @bethyjade

The only bad thing is the end of the song, as the funny and amusing atmosphere that the soldiers had been recreating while singing is interrupted and evaporates when they realise that they were late to their destination, that the Huns had destroyed the city and that Li Shang's father had died in the battle. What I like most about Mulan is the story and the message it gives to us, on the one hand we have a strong and determined protagonist but at the beginning she is totally useless (just like her companions) but with effort and hard work, they become the best and bravest soldiers. I also like the relationship between Mulan and her dad, it's quite nice and touching.
Author: @tegoshei

Technical-wise, it was to my liking. I like the art style, the animation style as well as the music they used in the movie. It's very well-made and the setting --- despite it being in a run-down apartment complex in the middle of nowhere --- they were able to make it as entertaining as being in various worlds. As for the story, I also really enjoyed it. It showed various emotions and is pretty relatable even though they live in such an unrealistic world. It really hits home for me as it brought back a lot of nostalgic memories when I was a child. There's this certain attachment you feel towards not only people but even places. There are places you feel the happiest even though you've only spent a short time there.
Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.
Thank you very much for the mention and support!
Best regards!
Muchas gracias por el apoyo y la mención 🤗♥️♥️