Movies & TV Shows Community Highlight #113

in Movies & TV Shows3 years ago
Authored by @namiks


Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.

The Details

Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject. Over all effort will be considered, and those chosen will be featured in a post just like this with a percentage of the post rewards being distributed as a reward.

There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and three (3) total posts will be chosen frequently.


Author: @oabreuf24

Dare me | Review


You can consider Dare me as a thriller different from what we are used to in terms of high school and teen series. The plot revolves around two friends Beth (Marlo Kelly) and Addy (Herizen Guardiola) who more than friends are accomplices in many adventures in a small rural town. Beth is the leader of a cheerleading squad in which Addy also participates and will soon be replaced by a strict coach who will have the mission of leading the team to the regional competition. From the beginning Addy shows admiration for the coach and Beth begins to feel a little displaced by her friend and the team. The arrival of Coach Colette (Willa Fitzgerald) will test Addy and Beth's friendship.


Author: @pashinni

The Final Destination Saga - hated by some, loved by others, unknown to some others


If you enjoy non excesive gore and are the kind of person who likes to look for hidden details, these movies are for you. It's not really necessary to see all five of them to understand the story, as I mentioned, all are about the same, but watching them all together one after one made me see things I didn't noticed before and knowing what was going to happen just because I've seen them before helped me see that there were more clues lying around about everyone's fate, not just the clues that the protagonists found. It makes you think if there are actual clues everywhere around us.


Author: @tsunsica

In Darkness | A movie that was very attacked, but does it deserve it?


After writing this I saw some opinions and they are very harsh, but this is because they are not watching what is in the movie but what they want to find, and that just doesn't work. They achieved what they wanted with the story, you can go through all the movies without being bored, but you won't learn anything. It's a good Sunday movie.



Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.

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