"Dragon Ball Super: Broly" directed by Tatsuya Nagamine (Review) - Almost Activated ULTRA INSTINCT

Hello Movie Lovers!

In the 1990s there was an anime that I used to watch on Sundays at 5:00 PM. The anime is "Dragon Ball", and since then I have come to love the anime that I watched most of the movies produced. Until recently, one of the movies that I like very much is "Dragon Ball Super: Broly. This movie is one of my favorites for many reasons, first is the story, the humor, the animation, the fight scene, Broly, and most of all, Gogeta finally became canon. Many fans rejoiced when Gogeta was finally included in the Dragon Ball canon.

The movie tells the story of Goku and Vegeta and their brave stand to foil the destructive power of the best "Legendary Super Saiyan" in history, Broly. The movie also features some dramatic backstory to the history of Saiyans in addition to the explosive battle scene between Broly and Gogeta.

Seeing Bardock in this movie makes me excited because he was not always present in many Dragon Ball movies. Bardock exactly look like the same as Goku, the only difference is the X-shaped scar on the cheek of Bardock. Gine also of course made her appearance in this movie including the young Raditz and Vegeta. With the appearance of the parents of Goku, Vegeta, and Raditz the history of how Planet Vegeta and the Saiyan race is also shown in this movie.

Bardock, the father of Goku (This image is taken as a screenshot from the movie)

The death of Bardock in this movie is so sad because he stands no chance at the Death Ball hurled by Frieza toward planet Vegeta. In the scene, I am also wondering why Bardock was the only one shown trying to contain the Death Ball even if there are a lot of Saiyan on his back. Then the Frieza Force told the remaining Saiyans on the other world that Planet Vegeta collided with a meteor and was obliterated.

Seeing the young Vegeta and young Raditz in this movie is also amazing since it is not always that you see a younger version of the protagonists of Dragon Ball.

The young Vegeta and the young Vegeta as shown when they are still a small boy (This image is taken as a screenshot from the movie)

After showing Bardock, Gine, young Vegeta, young Raditz, young Goku, young Broly, and the fate of Planet Vegeta the movie then transitioned to a time-lapse that indeed in the present where Goku and Vegeta are slugging it out in a practice.

Seeing Goku on his eating habits is certainly amazing because he's just gobbling a lot of food when he eats. I envy him because I do want to eat a lot but my stomach just can't take a lot of food and my appetite lessens once my stomach is full.

Goku on his eating habit (This image is taken as a screenshot from the movie)

In this movie Frieza's reason for finding the Dragon Ball is hilarious. I for one was not able to guess when his staff was guessing what his reason was, but one did successfully guess what his reason is, to grow taller. It is a bit shallow but when I heard about his reason not to wish for something more significant made me think that Frieza is indeed a warrior and he is blinded by this desire to defeat Goku with his skill and power without getting any help from anyone.

This movie shows how capable Vegeta is and how to assess his surroundings. Seeing Paragus and Broly for the first he immediately knew that they were Saiyand and he immediately told Goku about it.

Paragus and Broly (This image is taken as a screenshot from the movie)

There was a scene in this movie that put the whole internet into a frenzy. The scene is when Vegeta transformed into Super Saiyan. Before he completely turned into a Super Saiyan his eyebrows and hair turned light green. Eagled-eyed fans saw this yellow-green color and fans were so interested in what does it mean. But then it was revealed that it is just an artistic part of the animation so there is nothing to do with the transformation.

Vegeta's eyebrows and hair turn yellow-green before he transform into Super Saiyan (This image is taken as a screenshot from the movie)

A lot of fans, including me wanted badly to see Goku activate Ultra Instinct once again. Fans noticed that when he tried to go Super Saiyan Blue in his fight against Broly in this movie he momentarily achieved the Ultra Instinct but couldn't quite achieve it as it is the form that he doesn't actually know how to activate.

Goku seems he almost activated Ultra Instinct (This image is taken as a screenshot from the movie)

What I also love about Dragon Ball is the funny scene that can be seen once in a while. In this movie, Vegeta provided acts that made me smile because he was so reluctant to fuse with Goku just because it has to be done with stupid dance moves which he doesn't like. But Gokue did convince him to fuse eventually.

Vegeta telling Goku that he doesn't like the stupid dance moves (This image is taken as a screenshot from the movie)

And then the moment that fans cheered the most, the arrival of Gogeta on the Dragon Ball canon. Fans have been waiting for this for so long to include Gogeta in the canon.

Gogeta making his appearance and making him canon in the Dragon Ball (This image is taken as a screenshot from the movie)

Before I end this review here are a few thoughts that might help you watch this movie. First, the whole story of this movie is very interesting, you will not be going to take your eyes off this one. There is a lot of information that you can get on this movie especially if you are an avid fan of Dragon Ball. Second, the fight scenes are amazing, and wait till you see Gogeta strut his wares against Broly, the Legendary Super Saiyan.

I rate this movie at 9/10 as there is no such thing as a 10/10 movie. Good luck watching