Who Wants a Free Movie Night?

in Movies & TV Shows5 years ago

If you have a Movies Anywhere Account and have redeemed digital codes so that your movies live on the cloud to be streamed anywhere you go, you may have heard of a relatively new program called Screen Pass.


Screen pass allows you to share select movies from your digital collection with friends and family. With a qualifying link, your friend can go to Movies Anywhere and pick a movie from your list of eligible movies to watch. They then have 5 days to watch this movie at their leisure.

Since I don't have a whole lot of friends who are tech savvy enough to use Movies Anywhere, I figured I would use my 3 Movie passes to share with the fine folks of Hive.

So here's the deal. Unfortunately this is listed as eligible only to the U.S. so I don't know if people in other countries will be able to participate, but feel free to give it a go.

First of all, I am going to provide a link at the end of this post. It is a one time use link, so the first person to click it, gets to browse through my list of about 60-70 movies they can chose from for a movie night.

But since first come only served doesn't provide any suspense whatsoever, I am going to give out a second Screen Pass to a random commenter on this post. Just give me a comment saying I'd like a movie night, and once I have a few people entered I will do a random drawing for a second screen pass.

I'm assuming you have to either have a Movies Anywhere account, or set one up in order to watch the movie, so make sure you take care of that little step. If you get the random freebie, please comment to let people know that it is redeemed so they don't try to use it.

Here's a random screen shot from my movie list to give you an idea of some of the movies you can choose from.


I have a wife and a kid, so please don't judge me on my collection containing kid's movies and 50 Shades stuff.

Alright, here we go with the freebie. Ready? Set? Go!
