NETFLIX's AVATAR: Can only get better...

If you grew up with the privilege of having television and DVD access, or even a decoder(cable television), then this show will not be any strange to you and just like everybody else who grew up with television privileges and access to a DVD player, I too am a strong believer, lover and a fan of the animated series, "Avatar the last Airbender".

This show first aired on the Nickelodeon channel in my country Nigeria alongside the then-popular animated series "Ben 10" which aired on Cartoon Network. At that time watching Ben Tennyson display his heroic capabilities by morphing into different shapes and sizes of alien beasts seemed to trigger my interest far more than the Avatar series did. But I remember visiting my neighbor on certain occasions just to get a good watch of the Ben 10 series because they had a working Dstv decoder. It was during this period that I finally got the chance to binge-watch the Avatar series in a very neutral mindset... And trust me, I was not disappointed.

My favorite character then was without a doubt Sokka and this was maybe because he was either a very effective comic relief, or maybe because I could just see myself reflect in his persona. But regardless, Sokka was my favorite character and there was no arguing that.

Along with having characters I love and can relate to, the series backed itself up with incredible storytelling, adventures, unquestionably beautiful elements, animation style, bendings, and fight choreography. All this contributed to making the Avatar series one of my best.

So imagine my surprise when I heard that Netflix was taking a crack at it...

...I mean it's not a bad idea, but when I thought about all the remakes or the live-action remakes of really good TV shows that Netflix has successfully worked on. I was left with just one question, WHY?

Avatar the last Airbender animated series started and ended on a good note, solidifying it as one of the greatest animated series in the history of animation. But alas... It is what it is...

Fast forward to 22nd February 2024, Avatar the Last Airbender, the Netflix show was officially released. Although I didn't want to ruin the memory of the animated show in my head, my curiosity just wouldn't let me rest.
So, I spent the next 2-3 days, binging this series hoping to find something different, something unique... And in no time, I found it.

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About the Netflix show
Unlike the animated Nickelodeon series which has up to 20 series in total for it's season one, the Netflix series gives a better deal of eight episodes for a season one with a minimum of fifty-minute run time.
This means that they(Netflix )did not have the required time to flesh out the characters properly as the animated series did. They depended greatly on the viewers knowing who the characters already were rather than showing us.

Then, there are also the minor changes that the Netflix studio made, to them, it was not a big deal but in the grand scheme of things, it made a huge impact on the film.
For example Sokka story line. If you are a fan of the animated series, then it means you remember Sokka's belief in the fact that women do not belong on the battlefield, just in the kitchen. And as misogynistic as it sounds it is Sokka's character because it helps us understand and and relate to him more. Be it hated or liked, Sokka began his Journey with this belief which eventually changed over time. And by the time his ideology towards women changed he instantly became a more likable character.

This minute detail that was removed by Netflix left us the viewers with a half-baked Sokka. They seemed to have forgotten that this storyline was important in the Kyoshi warrior's plot, which looked completely cringe, forced, and unnecessary without this.

But not all the changes are bad a lot of the changes worked better than expected, for example, the Fire Nation story.
Yes, the Fire Nation story was very well done here in the life action than the animated, they were able to show exactly how the war started, escalated, and the aftermath in a way that could easily be understood.

There is also the King Bumi story which I find very irritating because in the animated series, Bumi's test was done to force Aang( the avatar) to remember him and to test his(the avatar) skills too. But in the live-action, Bumi just reveals his identity, before going crazy on his long-lost friend and attempting to commit suicide and murder at the same time.
I believe the studio just leaned into the fact that Bumi is a crazy man. And without thinking twice, they ran with it.

But One of the Best story arcs in this live adaptation is Zuko's story. It had everything, to me it felt like I was watching Zuko from the animated series. Dallas Liu(Zuko) took the role and made it his own.

Bendings and CGI
I believe when Netflix announced its live adaptation of the animated series, that everybody was curious to know how Netflix intended to make the four elements bending believable.
But just like the trailer showed, Netflix was very much up to the task, the most impressive being the environment CGI, and the fire bending.

Unlike the previous adaptation, the level of CGI put into this Netflix adaptation is serious. I mean, when you are viewing a scene from the water, earth, air, or fire nation, it is just stunning, and believable.

As for the other effects like water and fire bending, well I just have to let you see that one, for yourself. But just know that it didn't disappoint.

Fight scenes
I'll make this short, Bummi and Aang's fight was a complete letdown, only because it was not entertaining, everything else is just perfect.

Aang and Zuko's fight is watchable only because of Zuko, he put everything into making sure it had life.

But the best fight scene so far is Zuko vs Fire lord ozai, and Zuko vs Kitara( second encounter).
This fight scene had everything from bending to flashy displays of acrobatics and choreography.

In summary, I never believed that there would be another attempt to recreate the avatar the last air bender seeing as its first adaptation was a huge flop.

But now that I see it and I know that it may not be accurate with the animation, to me, it's still a hundred percent "Avatar the Last Airbender". Because it had the elements, the acting, the choreography, the CGI, and most importantly the perfect casting.
(Especially if you have not watched the animated series)
And when I think about it, the animated series book one wasn't as entertaining as the second and third installment. But right now, I believe that the Netflix series book one as a good thing going and if a season two eventually emerges, it can get better as there is still enough space for Netflix to improve, especially on the actors cringe acting but regardless, I believe that Aang can save the world.

Thank you for reading.. see you next week.

A big shout-out to Dallas Liu(ZUKO), he was truly awesome in the film.

All gif from here