From | What a cliffhanger!

in Movies & TV Shows2 months ago

Winters are for Netflix and chill and taking it all a bit more easy. Do you ever have that moment where you see a trailer of a series and you are intrigued by the plot? But on the other hand you are also a bit of a chicken and this has some horror influences in there and you are a bit too scared too watch?

Well, that as the vibe that I had when when watching the trailer and debating if I would want to watch this (maybe cuddling pillow here and there for the scary moments haha, do you do this as well?)

If you don't know the series 'From'. The plot is about a family that strand in a town where they are not able to leave because the road leads in a loop and brings them back to the same place over and over again. After deciding to stay in the town, the family learns that at night creatures come out that pose a threat to everyone. Also there are a lot of dark forces around everyone and people are also seeing visions about stuff that isn't there...or is it actually there?


Warning: The amount of spoilers here down beneith might be tremendous, so decide for yourself if you want to continue reading and maybe seeing a bit more about the plot than you had wanted to.

Lost vs Stranger Things

Others describe the series like a mixture between 'Lost' and 'Stranger Things' and I can only agree with this. But where 'Lost' immediately grasped me on the first season, this was more a series that grew on me. Where I must admit, the third season even feels like the best up until now.

But it also has a bit with the kids and how friendly and goofy the characters are sometimes and that is more 'Stranger Things', the thought of 'the upside down' came to me a lot if you know what I mean.


The characters are growing on you and where first Boyd and Jim felt like the main persons, I am loving the development around the characters of Tabitha and especially Jade.

And even though it feels like the plot is getting more extreme, it also feels like you finally are understanding more of what is happening there and that it does feel like it is making sense.

What I really don't like are the moments that something scary happens. This series has a lot of those moments and even though you know by the location and the music that something is coming up, but still you get shook to the bone.

Will it ever unfold and will it stop on time?

What I really didn't like on 'Lost' is that it almost never stopped and was milked out way too long. I believe there were 9 seasons or something, while it would have been so much better if it had stopped earlier, just like for instance 'The Walking Dead'. That went on forever and sooooo long which really took away the charm.

I am really hoping on this one that eventually the story just ends. If that means that they are stuck in the world is also fine. Life aint not always about happy endings right?


So season 3 is done now and I binged all three seasons in like a week or something. Now we have to wait until 2026 until season 4 will air. Crap....!

I'm there waiting for more!

Did you watch this searies and what did you think about it?


I love From! It's definitely one of the best shows running right now, and indeed, the final cliff-hanger was very high quality. I really liked the reveal, and am looking forward to Season 4. I love Jade. Frankly, I was quite surprised when the Sheriff (Boyd? I'm shit with names) didn't get killed down there, though.

Yeah same... and admitting...i was annoyed by Jim for a long time so the season finale is interesting!

Yeah, they made him out to be a complete dick most of season 3, then gave him a sweet turnaround at the end. Clear his days were numbered...

I'm trying to enjoy this show but perhaps I am just the wrong sort of person for it. I hope it will get better but in the meantime for me, this show is just 'ok'. I find it funny that the producers of LOST are the producers of this series and that is specifically why the two seem so similar.

And I think Boyd was an actor in Lost even haha. I found it getting better per season and also needed to get in the 'horror' vibe...but took al while!

Boyd was an actor in LOST... one of my least favorite ones in the entire cast. I can still hear him endlessly shouting for his son "WALT!.... WAAAAALLLLTTT!"

Thanks as always amigo!!